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contend as in:  She contended that...

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  • She contends that they quoted her out of context.
    contends = claims
  • Do you know, Mr. Proctor, that the entire contention of the state in these trials is that the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children?   (source)
    contention = something claimed
  • Arnold contended, only half jokingly, that the entire world was increasingly described by the metaphor of the theme park.   (source)
    contended = claimed
  • This accusation was based largely on Lawton's contention that the young hustler friends of Hansford had been bribed by Williams and Seiler for their affidavits.   (source)
    contention = claim
  • "Well, then we contend that Miss Cardinal is not mentally unfit," countered Cotton.   (source)
    contend = claim or say
  • Whose idealism could survive all that? A good bit of evidence exists to support Linderman's contention that it did not survive.   (source)
    contention = claim (that something is true)
  • O'Brien contended it was Thornton's privilege to knock the runners loose, leaving Buck to "break it out" from a dead standstill.   (source)
    contended = claimed or argued
  • Others contended that the stigma had not been produced until a long time subsequent, when old Roger Chillingworth, being a potent necromancer, had caused it to appear, through the agency of magic and poisonous drugs.   (source)
    contended = claimed
  • When Colonel Lloyd's slaves met the slaves of Jacob Jepson, they seldom parted without a quarrel about their masters; Colonel Lloyd's slaves contending that he was the richest, and Mr. Jepson's slaves that he was the smartest, and most of a man.   (source)
    contending = claiming
  • The dis—United States would fragment into several petty, squabbling autocracies, proving the contention of European monarchists and reactionaries that this harebrained experiment in democracy could not last.   (source)
    contention = something that is claimed as true
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  • He stopped, satisfied that he had proved his contention.   (source)
  • ...but those of you who know Professor Wade informally, as I do, will understand when I say that I am sure all puns were intentional, particularly that having to do with the archaic vulgar signification of the word tail; that being, to some extent, the bone, as it were, of contention, in that phase of Gileadean society of which our saga treats.   (source)
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contend as in:  She contended with it

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • Politicians have to contend with false attacks.
    contend = struggle
  • I have had enough contention since I came; I want no more.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • And then there are my wounds to contend with — burns, cuts, and bruises from smashing into the trees, and three tracker jacker stings, which are as sore and swollen as ever.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • "Even if we get the gate open, we still have to contend with the gate itself," he said.   (source)
  • He has enough attention from other kids without having to contend with that kind of reputation.   (source)
  • There were no more garden parties to contend with, no more silk stockings except through the black market.   (source)
  • "If I'm gonna do this, I gotta do it, be the old me. I need something to dive into."
      Relief flooded Thomas. He'd grown sick of all the contention.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • But Yoyo would get rid of the goose only to have to contend with the gander.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • Despite its diminutive size, the bot still had to contend with a problem endemic to ROVs: its tether.   (source)
  • 'If you have your lower animals to contend with,' he said, 'we have our lower classes!'   (source)
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  • The trail was in excellent condition, well packed and hard, and there was no new-fallen snow with which to contend.   (source)
  • Well, you know what we have to contend against, but we too, are not without strength.   (source)
  • What I contend for is the authenticity of the outline.   (source)
  • The thought of leaving my friends was decidedly the most painful thought with which I had to contend.   (source)
  • Upon reaching the first landing, heard two voices in loud and angry contention--the one a gruff voice, the other much shriller--a very strange voice.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • I left the house, the horrid scene of the last night's contention, and walked on the beach of the sea, which I almost regarded as an insuperable barrier between me and my fellow creatures; nay, a wish that such should prove the fact stole across me.   (source)
    contention = struggle
  • Such was the formidable rival with whom Ichabod Crane had to contend,   (source)
    contend = struggle or compete
  • She had, moreover, to contend with one disagreeable emotion entirely new to her—jealousy.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • Cassie's ideas about music, for instance, were a frequent bone of contention in our house.†   (source)
  • My father had taken to greeting Harold every time they met with a Bob Wills—like falsetto "Ah-hanh!" but the real bone of contention was not that Harold had pulled ahead of my father in the machinery competition, but that he hadn't divulged how he'd financed the purchase, whether cold, out of savings and last year's profits (in which case, he was doing better than my father thought, and better than my father), or by going to the bank.†   (source)
  • Always a bone of contention.†   (source)
  • Since this seems to be a bone of contention between us" 'You know what?†   (source)
  • It is therefore deeply tragic that Jerusalem should have become a bone of contention—with people killing each other by the thousand because they cannot agree on who is to have ascendancy over this "Eternal City."†   (source)
  • She had never let Bob use the money—another bone of contention between them.†   (source)
  • This was still the major bone of contention between the Sunis and the Shiites.†   (source)
  • If I stay here I bring trouble and bone of contention in your house.†   (source)
  • That dress has been a bone of contention between them for years.†   (source)
  • She felt how unprofitable contention would be. If her aunt's feelings were against her, nothing could be hoped from attacking her understanding.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • They were powerful forces to contend with.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • Melting anguish is a good deal less attractive now that he actually has to contend with it up close and in the flesh.   (source)
  • Will you contend with him?   (source)
    contend = argue
  • The Mailbox was completely automated, so there were no employees to contend with, and when I walked in there were no customers either.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • I know Mr. Parris be arguin' with farmers all yesterday—there is great contention, sir, about the cows.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • PUTNAM—at the moment he is intent upon getting Parris, for whom he has only contempt, to move toward the abyss: Mr. Parris, I have taken your part in all contention here, and I would continue; but I cannot if you hold back in this.   (source)
  • Now if burglars broke in again, and the family were at home, there would be a second round of locks for the thieves to contend with.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • To further complicate matters, they would have to contend with the thick tether cable sprouting out the top.   (source)
  • Against death, we contend in vain.
  • I know of such cases; and it is worthy of remark that such slaves invariably suffer greater hardships, and have more to contend with, than others.   (source)
  • Besides, there were two voices heard in contention, and one of them was unquestionably the voice of a Frenchman.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • [Susan] acknowledged her fears, blamed herself for having contended so warmly; and from that hour Fanny, understanding the worth of her disposition and perceiving how fully she was inclined to seek her good opinion and refer to her judgment, began to feel again the blessing of affection, and to entertain the hope of being useful to a mind so much in need of help, and so much deserving it.   (source)
    contended = fought
  • The time elapsing between the hearing of the voices in contention and the breaking open of the room door, was variously stated by the witnesses.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • Now it was starvation, causing us to eat our own flesh;—now we were contending with the waves, and were drowned;—now we were overtaken, and torn to pieces by the fangs of the terrible bloodhound.   (source)
    contending = struggling
  • Murder, then, has been committed by some third party; and the voices of this third party were those heard in contention.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • Heard the voices in contention.   (source)
  • "That the voices heard in contention," he said, "by the party upon the stairs, were not the voices of the women themselves, was fully proved by the evidence."   (source)
  • Heard the voices in contention.   (source)
  • They are puzzled, too, by the seeming impossibility of reconciling the voices heard in contention, with the facts that no one was discovered up stairs but the assassinated Mademoiselle L'Espanaye, and that there were no means of egress without the notice of the party ascending.   (source)
  • By this time the cries had ceased; but, as the party rushed up the first flight of stairs, two or more rough voices in angry contention were distinguished and seemed to proceed from the upper part of the house.   (source)
  • The decisive factor in the humanist's view of the world was that God and the Devil were two different persons or principles and that "life" was the bone of contention between them— very much after the medieval model, by the way.†   (source)
  • I hopes, Lather-Stocking, ye'll no be foolish, and putting the boy up to try the law in the matter; for 'twill be an evil day to ye both, when ye first turn the skin of so paceable an animal as a sheep into a bone of contention, The lad is wilcome to his drink for nothing, until his shoulther will bear the rifle agin.†   (source)
  • Poor Mary little thought it would be such a bone of contention when she gave it me to keep, only two hours before she died.†   (source)
  • The competitions of commerce would be another fruitful source of contention.   (source)
  • contending 'gainst obedience,   (source)
    contending = struggling
  • They contend that the President ought solely to have been authorized to make the appointments under the federal government.   (source)
    contend = argue
  • They contend that the President ought solely to have been authorized to make the appointments under the federal government.   (source)
  • New York is more deeply interested in these considerations than such of her citizens as contend for limiting the power of the Union to external taxation may be aware of.   (source)
  • While they admit that the government of the United States is destitute of energy, they contend against conferring upon it those powers which are requisite to supply that energy.   (source)
  • If the maxim should be admitted to be applicable to the case, I should contend that the advantage on that side would not counterbalance the numerous disadvantages on the opposite side.   (source)
  • I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power.   (source)
  • The valuable improvements made by the American constitutions on the popular models, both ancient and modern, cannot certainly be too much admired; but it would be an unwarrantable partiality, to contend that they have as effectually obviated the danger on this side, as was wished and expected.   (source)
  • I contend, therefore, on this ground, that the expressions, "appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact," do not necessarily imply a re-examination in the Supreme Court of facts decided by juries in the inferior courts.   (source)
  • History informs us, likewise, of the difficulties with which these celebrated reformers had to contend, as well as the expedients which they were obliged to employ in order to carry their reforms into effect.   (source)
    contend = struggle
  • But however inclined we might be to insist upon an unbounded complaisance in the Executive to the inclinations of the people, we can with no propriety contend for a like complaisance to the humors of the legislature.   (source)
    contend = argue
  • The position is too absurd to merit a refutation, and yet this is precisely the position which those must establish who contend that the trial by juries in civil cases is abolished, because it is expressly provided for in cases of a criminal nature.   (source)
  • I will address one additional reflection only to those who contend that the power ought to have been restrained to external taxation by which they mean, taxes on articles imported from other countries.   (source)
  • On the subject of the liberty of the press, as much as has been said, I cannot forbear adding a remark or two: in the first place, I observe, that there is not a syllable concerning it in the constitution of this State; in the next, I contend, that whatever has been said about it in that of any other State, amounts to nothing.   (source)
  • If the opinions of those who contend for the distinction which has been mentioned were to be received as evidence of truth, one would be led to conclude that there was some known point in the economy of national affairs at which it would be safe to stop and to say: Thus far the ends of public happiness will be promoted by supplying the wants of government, and all beyond this is unworthy of our care or anxiety.   (source)
  • Is it not surprising that men who declare an attachment to the Union in the abstract, should urge as an objection to the proposed Constitution what applies with tenfold weight to the plan for which they contend; and what, as far as it has any foundation in truth, is an inevitable consequence of civil society upon an enlarged scale?   (source)
  • Might not some surprise also be expressed, that those who reproach the Southern States with the barbarous policy of considering as property a part of their human brethren, should themselves contend, that the government to which all the States are to be parties, ought to consider this unfortunate race more completely in the unnatural light of property, than the very laws of which they complain?   (source)
  • Few persons will be so visionary as seriously to contend that military forces ought not to be raised to quell a rebellion or resist an invasion; and if the defense of the community under such circumstances should make it necessary to have an army so numerous as to hazard its liberty, this is one of those calamaties for which there is neither preventative nor cure.   (source)
  • I mean not therefore to contend that the United States, in the course of legislation upon the objects intrusted to their direction, may not commit the decision of causes arising upon a particular regulation to the federal courts solely, if such a measure should be deemed expedient; but I hold that the State courts will be divested of no part of their primitive jurisdiction, further than may relate to an appeal; and I am even of opinion that in every case in which they were not…   (source)
  • Nay, the understandings of this couple were their principal bone of contention, and one great cause of many quarrels, which from time to time arose between them; and which at last ended, on the side of the lady, in a sovereign contempt for her husband; and on the husband's, in an utter abhorrence of his wife.†   (source)
  • Contention make him weep, sir; it were always a man that weep for contention.   (source)
    contention = argument
  • One thing, at all events, must be evident, that a government like the one proposed would bid much fairer to avoid the necessity of using force, than that species of league contend for by most of its opponents; the authority of which should only operate upon the States in their political or collective capacities.   (source)
    contend = argued
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contend as in:  She contended for the gold medal

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • The teams are in fierce contention for first place.
    contention = competition
  • I've never been a contender in these Games anyway.   (source)
    contender = competitor (with a chance of winning)
  • I wasn't no middleweight contender, but I wasn't bad, either.   (source)
    contender = competitor
  • From a scramble of contenders I got one of the jugs, elbowed off a counterattack, opened it, sampled it, choked, and then went through with my original plan by stopping Brinker's mouth with it.   (source)
    contenders = contestants (competitors)
  • Another right to the body, it looks like it was low … Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the referee is signaling but the contender keeps raining the blows on Louis.   (source)
    contender = competitor
  • They were now in contention for a top spot.   (source)
    contention = competition
  • It's not easy trying to become a contender.   (source)
    contender = contestant (competitor) for a prize
  • The winning side in such a conflict depends on what means the contending parties employ towards insuring success.   (source)
    contending = competing
  • "Instead of indulging in feelings of despondency let us compare our situation and cause to those of our illustrious ancestors who achieved the liberties we have ever enjoyed and for which we are now contending."   (source)
    contending = competing (trying to win)
  • I have seen Mary contending with the pigs for the offal thrown into the street.   (source)
    contending = competing
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show 58 more with this conextual meaning
  • The heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short-listed contenders in October, and the selection of the three champions will take place at Halloween.†   (source)
  • For a second it seems like the crowd's attention has made her uncomfortable and I'm ready to dismiss her as a real contender until I study her again.†   (source)
  • Once in a while he'd come out with some hoary maxim, served up with a wry irony that did nothing to reduce the boredom quotient; or else he'd say, "I coulda been a contender," then glare meaningfully at the class as if there was some deeper-than-deep point they were all supposed to get.†   (source)
  • He was a fierce field contender but a lackadaisical, amused sort of student in the classrooms.†   (source)
  • Ruben Navarro — also known as The Maravilla Kid — was then a contender for the world's featherweight title.†   (source)
  • They had been one of the weakest teams in the NFL and were now, overnight, a contender.†   (source)
  • I think the first possibility is most likely, and four is a strong contender, too, because Megan is an independent, wilful woman, I'm sure of it.†   (source)
  • The Santos, contenders for the division championship, were well-coached, disciplined, and quick.†   (source)
  • Of all the contenders, the one who made the greatest progress toward winning Blanca's hand was the King of the Pressure Cookers.†   (source)
  • Maybe he'd be one of the contenders, maybe he wouldn't have been picked at all ...it was hard to say if the risk would have been worth it in the end.†   (source)
  • Otherwise, he could have had class; he could have been a contender.†   (source)
  • They are his bloodhounds, and if not the worst abominations under the sight of Heaven, they are easily contenders for the crown.†   (source)
  • The contender jumps into the champion's ring to draw the champion out of his corner.†   (source)
  • But Granville's presence probably did work against Seabiscuit, simply by virtue of the demands that a Kentucky Derby contender makes on his trainer.†   (source)
  • The sixties was a strong contender.†   (source)
  • It would not be proper for me to be seen to favor one contender over another.†   (source)
  • Given these considerations, along with the disinterested manner I affected, I am almost sure that it never crossed either Sophie's or Nathan's mind that I might be a serious contender for her affections.†   (source)
  • My hostess and my Princess were dressed fit to kill, sure—but one of my flunkies, a sixteen-year-old strong contender for Miss Nevia, was dressed only in jewelry but so much of it that she was more "modestly" dressed than Star or Doral Letva, the Lady Doral.†   (source)
  • He then continued with some remarks about the intellectual turmoil in this field of study, and about the contending schools of thought amongst alienists.   (source)
  • Or one set of federal representatives would be contending against thirteen sets of State representatives, with all of their common constituents on the side of the latter.   (source)
  • Indeed, it is not uncommon for slaves even to fall out and quarrel among themselves about the relative goodness of their masters, each contending for the superior goodness of his own over that of the others.   (source)
  • In debate, especially when the dispute is hot and supercharged and freighted with ill will, I have always been the flabbiest of contenders.†   (source)
    contenders = contestants (competitors)
  • Start going back and reach five or six people who are logical contenders.'†   (source)
  • It was simply a matter of finding the right contender—' 'Contender?'†   (source)
  • The contender's right eye is bleeding and he can't seem to keep his block up.†   (source)
  • For a while I was rated the Number Seven light-heavyweight contender.†   (source)
  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...Is the contender trying to get up again?†   (source)
  • But for me he was the perfect contender.†   (source)
  • You have to start by wanting to be a contender.†   (source)
  • The next day, in the papers, the contender said he won because he sang along with opera.†   (source)
  • The contender is hanging on, now he's backing away.†   (source)
  • He had a fight with a top contender, an Italian kid, and lost.†   (source)
  • Remember what you said that night ....about being a ....a contender?†   (source)
  • A contender, that you have to do yourself.†   (source)
  • Harry had never before considered the possibility that there might be another teacher in the world he hated more than Snape, but as he walked back towards Gryffindor Tower he had to admit he had found a strong contender.†   (source)
  • A handful of us are moved into an additional class that gives me hope I may be a contender for the actual war.†   (source)
  • "Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the Triwizard Cup to Hogwarts," he said, "the heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year.†   (source)
  • The others were contenders for the Old Bear's command, all but Bowen Marsh, who had withdrawn from the contest but remained castellan and Lord Steward.†   (source)
  • The referee is moving in, but Louis sends a left to the body and it's the upper-cut to the chin and the contender is dropping.†   (source)
  • The referee is moving in to break them up, but Louis finally pushed the contender away and it's an uppercut to the chin.†   (source)
  • You took me this far, you told me all that stuff about being a contender, and you ain't quitting on me now, not when I got a chance to find out, my last chance—†   (source)
  • You have to start by wanting to be a contender, the man coming up, the man who knows there's a good chance he'll never get to the top, the man who's willing to sweat and bleed to get up as high as his legs and his brains and his heart will take him.†   (source)
  • you know, been a contender?†   (source)
  • That would be Five Properties shambling through the cottage, Anna's immense brother, long armed and humped, his head grown off the thick band of muscle as original as a bole on his back, hair tender and greenish brown, eyes completely green, clear, estimating, primitive, and sardonic, an Eskimo smile of primitive simplicity opening on Eskimo teeth buried in high gums, kidding, gleeful, and unfrank; a big-footed contender for wealth.†   (source)
  • And Xanthos, in his Einger over all the young men dead, cut down by Akhilleus pitilessly in the stream, gave heart to this contender.†   (source)
  • Today's melee will not be brief, when rank meets rank, and heaven breathes fighting spirit into both contenders.†   (source)
  • All the Akhaians cheered for Odysseus, the great contender, and called to him as he ran with laboring heart.†   (source)
  • So the gods in bliss roused the contenders, hurled them into war, and broke in massive strife among themselves.†   (source)
  • They held their staves out, parting the contenders, and that experienced man, Idaios, said: "Enough, lads.†   (source)
  • I'll take on all contenders, gladly, test them head-to-head!   (source)
  • Picking up the weapon now and the swift arrow,
    he stood at the threshold, poised to try the bow
    but failed to bend it. As soon as he tugged the string
    his hands went slack, his soft, uncallused hands,
    and he called back to the suitors, "Friends,
    I can't bend it. Take it, someone—try.
    Here is a bow to rob our best of life and breath,
    all our best contenders! ..."   (source)
  • ...neither may he contend with him that is mightier than he. (16:10)   (source)
    contend = compete
  • A turbulent faction in a State may easily suppose itself able to contend with the friends to the government in that State; but it can hardly be so infatuated as to imagine itself a match for the combined efforts of the Union.   (source)
  • I have dwelt upon the greatness of Athens because I want to show you that we are contending for a higher prize than those who enjoy none of these privileges, and to establish by manifest proof the merit of these men whom I am now commemorating.   (source)
    contending = competing
  • We cannot err in supposing that the former would contend for a participation in the government, fully proportioned to their superior wealth and importance; and that the latter would not be less tenacious of the equality at present enjoyed by them.   (source)
    contend = compete
  • The Houston schools, and any other noncontenders for the national title, are gone.†   (source)
    standard prefix: The prefix "non-" in noncontenders means not and reverses the meaning of contenders. This is the same pattern you see in words like nonfat, nonfiction, and nonprofit.
  • She had produced a budding contender for Cousin Edwin's crown of glory.†   (source)
  • Backward I see in my own days where I sweated through fog with
    linguists and contenders,
    I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait.†   (source)
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show 10 more examples with any meaning
  • Napoleon would have been the first to admit that after assembling an intrepid corps of commanders and fifteen divisions, after assessing the enemy's weaknesses, studying his terrain, and carefully formulating a plan of attack, one must finally contend with temperature.†   (source)
  • We contended that his attorneys had failed to provide effective assistance of counsel at trial when they didn't uncover Avery's history or present his disabilities as relevant to his criminal culpability and sentence.†   (source)
  • These clothes, like other things about the baby, became a point of contention.†   (source)
  • Now I see you contending against the woman like an adversary.†   (source)
  • It is the contention of the State and it is also the law of the land.†   (source)
  • But I also had to contend with your stupidity.†   (source)
  • No longer contending with the deadweight of the first stage, the acceleration was profound.†   (source)
  • It came gradually, as slow-moving as the sun's passage across the sky, but now he finds himself writing letters to Jutta in which he must skirt the truth, must contend that everything is fine when things do not feel fine.†   (source)
  • Now I've got the shut bathroom door to contend with.†   (source)
  • As for the first floor, we had only the Brinker-Smiths to contend with, and they were no match for us—if we were quiet.†   (source)
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show 190 more examples with any meaning
  • It says here,' Alex said, perusing the police report, 'that there was some contention when Detective Chisholm read you your rights?†   (source)
  • Plus the clock to contend with.†   (source)
  • The contending elements—the fact of his death, his relevance to the case—confused Briony and she struggled with her memory.†   (source)
  • Salamander Army's in contention, anyway," Alai said.†   (source)
  • The pain of my body was enough for me to contend with.†   (source)
  • It is your contention, Nick, that you never bought or touched the items in the woodshed on your sister's property.†   (source)
  • These bones are the center of much contention—we call them Bone Wars.†   (source)
  • He was thinking about Meina Gladstone's contention that one of the group was an Ouster agent.†   (source)
  • They contended only one car was involved and Roger had escaped before the police caught us.†   (source)
  • But the toilet smell wasn't the only smell we had to contend with at their place.†   (source)
  • Then the lord defiant, the prince defiant, the king defiant, Enki, the lord of abundance, whose commands are trustworthy, The lord of wisdom, who scans the land, The leader of the gods, The lord of Eridu, endowed with wisdom, Changed the speech in their mouths, put contention into it, Into the speech of man that had been one.†   (source)
  • Some contend it should be considered a completely separate weapon; I'm not going to wade into that debate.†   (source)
  • Don't you forget, Melchizedek, we have to contend with both the dead and the livin' and that's no easy task.†   (source)
  • A humiliating event in the church, and rising contentions in the village.†   (source)
  • In his memoir Holmes contended that the news did shock him.†   (source)
  • The main point of contention was the "solo" part.†   (source)
  • A single loss, she assumed, would knock the Fugees out of contention for the cup.†   (source)
  • I had my dead limbs to contend with ....to use his comparison.†   (source)
  • He tried to blame it on the missing n, but he'd had that to contend with before, and, really, what was a missing n compared to a missing foot and now, as an extra added attraction, a missing thumb?†   (source)
  • It wouldn't be too long before they were a force to contend with.†   (source)
  • Do you contend with shadows?†   (source)
  • That has been a matter of contention among the clans.†   (source)
  • "Of course he is!" he contended, "you just don't understand—"†   (source)
  • For fifteen minutes, they were left alone with the cameras rolling, with instructions to discuss any topic from their marriage that had become a point of contention.†   (source)
  • That's what my husband contends—corrupted by hamburgers and french fries and Winston One Hundreds.†   (source)
  • She did not know what she had hoped for from this night, but when she had imagined this conversation, she had not imagined this contention: his grief and anger, and her own.†   (source)
  • Another point of contention was his tendency to buy things impulsively—a motorcycle, a sailboat.†   (source)
  • There is little evidence to support that contention.†   (source)
  • It is a primitive way of contending with an opponent.†   (source)
  • And there'd still be touring to contend with, the thought of which has been making me physically sick.†   (source)
  • Now, Mr. Lanier and Mr. Rush, do you plan to seriously contend that this will was written by someone other than Seth Hubbard?†   (source)
  • The cold that contends with fire.†   (source)
  • Twice now he'd been told, and the two versions were very much alike, the only serious discrepancy being that Hickock attributed all four deaths to Smith, while Smith contended that Hickock had killed the two women.†   (source)
  • They were easy to get, without Pedro Flores to contend with.†   (source)
  • When nothing else is going on, you usually got the fog or the time control to contend with, but today something's happened: there hasn't been any of these things worked on us all day, not since shaving.†   (source)
  • But they were plainly so ill at ease in their new surroundings that Holly was already contending against his own belief that there was little to be hoped for from them.†   (source)
  • A favorite point of contention was the preferred spelling or definition of a certain word.†   (source)
  • They would go in circles, with Ryan contending that you can have strong faith and still have questions.†   (source)
  • In languages that form the word compassion not from the root suffering but from the root feeling, the word is used in approximately the same way, but to contend that it designates a bad or inferior sentiment is difficult.†   (source)
  • The two men traded many family stories but always with an undercurrent of contention and with intervals of open insult, Us and Them, and it grated on Marvin to hear these things from a man so self-assured who's a total nobody, a little guy who pushed upward when he talked, with two false teeth made of stainless steel, he's the shiniest appliance in sight.†   (source)
  • In Ko and Riku Wakatsuki they often see something of their parents or grandparents, who had to contend with great challenges to reach the United States and, once they arrived, struggled to find a place in a new land.†   (source)
  • Hugh stuck his face between the bars and shot a line of bees from his open mouth, and then Millard, who'd sprinted away from the cage the moment the boy had noticed him, shouted from somewhere behind the crowd, "And if you think you can contend with them, you haven't met me!" and launched an egg into the air.†   (source)
  • My new coworkers included my buddy Allie B., the cheerful six-foot oddball from B Dorm, and Pennsatucky, who was in contention for white girl with the biggest mouth.†   (source)
  • Lydia Sessions, passing on the arm of young Baker, glanced at Johnnie, star-eyed, pink-cheeked and smiling, with a pair of tall cavaliers contending for her favours, and sucked her lips in to that thin, sharp line of reprobation Johnnie knew so well.†   (source)
  • To my amazement, my own husband spouted the Shiite party line, contending that women have more rights than anyone else in Iran.†   (source)
  • Jon had enough to contend with just now without adding a drunken giant to the mix.†   (source)
  • The crowd roared when it was announced that he'd scored an 81—not good enough for the top four, but good enough to keep him in contention.†   (source)
  • And many people around Cange believed that Farmer, like all good Voodoo priests, knew how to contend with maji.†   (source)
  • "The troops behaved like men contending for everything that was dear and valuable," Knox wrote to Lucy.†   (source)
  • 'But it was my mission,' Milo contended.†   (source)
  • But she still had her body to contend with.†   (source)
  • "To play Truth or Dare," she contends matter-of-factly, coming around the counter and grabbing the shot glasses from Damien's hands.†   (source)
  • My grandmother with her charm, gaudy and perishable as dime-store jewelry—whoever had a more exasperating child to contend with?†   (source)
  • I would carry on our beliefs into the political arena and let his enemies contend with me.†   (source)
  • You still have the DA to contend with.†   (source)
  • Pollard tried to rush him into contention, only to be pocketed in.†   (source)
  • My mother could contend against the hairy beasts whether flesh or ghost because she could eat them, and she could not-eat them on the days when good people fast.†   (source)
  • All I have to do is sink them into the proper artery, pump a little poison, watch her bleed out, one less demon to contend with.†   (source)
  • The answer is Phaedrus' contention that classic understanding should not be overlaid with romantic prettiness; classic and romantic understanding should be united at a basic level.†   (source)
  • But, like all farmers, he had to contend with high taxes, high freight rates, and land so worn out that he might spend more for guano than he could get for his cotton crop.†   (source)
  • There were other points of contention, and little progress was being made except between the ministers of trade.†   (source)
  • "The consensus of the best metallurgical authorities," he said, "seems to be highly skeptical about Rearden Metal, contending—"†   (source)
  • You have that to contend with; I have this—and I would never told you if you hadn't been hurt, too.†   (source)
  • There was no contention in our Company, though there was doubt: doubt which way we should take from the Emyn Muil.†   (source)
  • He hated strain, contention.†   (source)
  • "I might be," Tom contends.†   (source)
  • Our talk back then was in fact one long and grave contention, an incessant quarrel, though to hear it now would be to recognize the usual forms of homely rancor and still homelier devotion, involving all the dire subjects of adolescencemy imperfect studies, my unworthy friends, the driving of his car, smoking and drinking, the whatever and whatever.†   (source)
  • In the first round neither he nor Lia had to contend with anything unpleasant.†   (source)
  • More importantly, he contends, he has battled for decades to save the souls of Athenians—pointing them in the direction of an examined, ethical life.†   (source)
  • But my contention is that if you have to eat anyway, it just seems to me that you're shortchanging yourself if you don't learn how to cook.†   (source)
  • But there was another problem to contend with.†   (source)
  • I continue to contend that maple syrup, popular as it is among my sailors, is not a reason to go to war with the Horvath.†   (source)
  • The photo shows a bruise on the defendant's face, and our contention is that she received the bruise during some kind of altercation with Mr. Tester.†   (source)
  • Now that she had breasts and a belly of a size to contend with, she also had a new deep crevice between them, fiery as a steam hole.†   (source)
  • Although, of course, I am fond of my own spouse, I am acutely aware of my own shortcomings and realize that I am a demon to contend with, regardless of how she cherishes her marital vows.†   (source)
  • "The contention of Comrade Mundt," he began— his mild voice was rather pleasantly modulated—"is that Leamas is lying; that Comrade Fiedler either by design or ill chance has been drawn into a plot to disrupt the Abteilung, and thus bring into disrepute the organs for the defense of our socialist state.†   (source)
  • The fact that the same joke, the same style, has no effect in France or England or Italy makes this contention valid.†   (source)
  • Without needing to be theoretically instructed, consciousness quickly realizes that it is the site of variously contending discourses.†   (source)
  • There remained, however, a third point vital to the proof of my contention.†   (source)
  • The principal point of contention among the women of the town appeared to be whether or not I had done a "Christian" thing.†   (source)
  • Of contention, though, it seems.†   (source)
  • It was Ben's contention that Graf was the key to armadillo hunting, and so it had proved.†   (source)
  • I would have an absence of contention between us.†   (source)
  • He contends with the young.†   (source)
  • I also contend that there is no real evil in what occurs naturally.†   (source)
  • Flourished on contention, Papa had said.†   (source)
  • He felt consciously strong, competent both for himself and against himself, and this pleasurable sense of firmness contended against the perfect and limpid remembrance he had for a moment experienced, and he tried sadly, vainly, to recapture it.†   (source)
  • He jokingly suggested, to repay her a little for her contention that he was the best preacher of the revival, that she was the best cook among the women.†   (source)
  • Only her long brows were calm in her face with its widened mouth, stretched eyes, and flying dark hair, in her whole contending body, as though some captive, that had never had news of the world, land or sea, would sometimes stand there and look out from that pure arch-but never to speak; that could not even be thought to hear.†   (source)
  • Senator Wright contended "that their presence gives a pleasing and necessary animation to debate, polishing the speakers' arguments and softening their manner.†   (source)
  • Since he did not speak, but only listened uneasily, she got out his books and supported her contentions with figures.†   (source)
  • He has enough to contend with, without photos of his dead father turning up.†   (source)
  • Langdon knew her contention was logical, and yet intuitively he could not possibly accept it.†   (source)
  • He described himself as the Devil and contended that his physical shape had begun to alter.†   (source)
  • Weeds were not the only things Frank had to contend with either.†   (source)
  • Finally, there's only Peeta to contend with.†   (source)
  • The State will contend that one of those men was Richard "Bobo" Evans.†   (source)
  • But she had been full of contentions and arguments that day.†   (source)
  • Especially now that we must contend with soldiers who cannot feel pain.†   (source)
  • What they saw was a reality they could not contend with or comprehend.†   (source)
  • The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.†   (source)
  • Let my rivals contend while I bide my own sweet time.†   (source)
  • And let us pray that insults are all we need to contend with.†   (source)
  • [Our] contention is that in all reasonableness and fairness we are paying all we care to pay.†   (source)
  • Given clear sailing, neither horse could even get into contention.†   (source)
  • "There ain't a horse in this outfit that bear couldn't catch, if he wanted to," Dish contended.†   (source)
  • With no direct heir, there are sure to be many claimants contending for the Hornwood lands.†   (source)
  • And it is me you must contend with now, not my patient, prudent, and gouty brother.†   (source)
  • I have my memories to contend with, but they're my memories.†   (source)
  • We would dispute the state's central contention that we had embarked on guerrilla warfare.†   (source)
  • We cannot afford to contend with both the Empire and the Varden.†   (source)
  • 'My spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal.†   (source)
  • The state contended that we were actors in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.†   (source)
  • He thought of Camille saying, Man cannot contend with the divine.†   (source)
  • Each vied with the others for dominance, and all three contended endlessly with the Pureborn.†   (source)
  • "Men are men," Wilson contended, "and it is pretty hard to control some of them."†   (source)
  • You're a mule of contention, a very mule!†   (source)
  • I think they'd miss each other, her and them — seems like they both thrive on contention.†   (source)
  • JAMES: Is it your contention we won the war, sir?†   (source)
  • Another force to contend with.†   (source)
  • "So, Professor," Sato said, "your contention is that the man who left Peter's hand here knew all this?"†   (source)
  • I fell asleep remembering how Owen had first appeared to my cousins—that day in the attic at 80 Front Street when we were contending over the sewing machine and Owen stood in the sun from the skylight that blazed through his ears.†   (source)
  • As mayor of one of the most socially complex towns in America, they contended, he was simply in way over his head.†   (source)
  • The State will contend that the other man who entered the store at that time, and who participated in the robbery and the murder, was James King.†   (source)
  • One day as the Board of Lady Managers debated whether to support or oppose opening the fair on Sunday, an angry male Sabbatarian confronted Susan B. Anthony in the hall of the Woman's Building to challenge her contention that the fair should remain open.†   (source)
  • The State does contend that somewhere, sometime, Steve got together with someone and agreed to participate in this robbery.†   (source)
  • It is the contention of the State that no one has the right to deprive us of the precious gift of life.†   (source)
  • With Stannis Baratheon and Tywin Lannister contending for the Iron Throne, we have a rare chance to improve our lot.†   (source)
  • Man cannot contend with the divine.†   (source)
  • Liv Crawford, I have a feeling, would contend that neither is the case; it is what one does, right now, in the very fact of the act, that she champions.†   (source)
  • But instead of embracing the Horde s ways, it is my contention that we follow Justin by separating ourselves from the Horde as he himself instructed.†   (source)
  • Now I contend with milk bubbling from my breasts, a discharge from between my legs that Sukeena assures me is normal and an abundance of unnatural amounts of skin where my stomach should be.†   (source)
  • I would suggest that Clary and Jace remain at the Inquisitor's house, considering the contention surrounding them, and that the Council gather after the rites.†   (source)
  • True as may be the political principles for which we are now contending ...the ships themselves must be ruled under a system of absolute despotism.†   (source)
  • Without it they would be filled with innocuous anxieties too placid to contend with; these were the descendants of Guangzhou — the province of Canton — not world-weary Shanghai.†   (source)
  • Magnus was thinner than he had ever been; his shirt clung to his ribs, and the spaces under his cheekbones looked sunken, but there was still a lot of warlock to contend with: a lot of skinny arms and legs and long, bony spine.†   (source)
  • 'I'm right here,' contended Doc Daneeka, in a strange and troubled voice, darting an anxious look at Sergeant Knight.†   (source)
  • At times, even when they were not alone, he would grasp Lia's hand in making a point, and all their contention would vanish.†   (source)
  • In one letter Washington complained bitterly of the lack of discipline in the army and wrote with scorn of the "dreaming, sleepy-headed" officers he had to contend with.†   (source)
  • On the contrary, Socrates—according to Plato—contends that the unmanly and pathetic practice of pleading for clemency disgraces the justice system of Athens.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Taggart did not approve of extremes; she had been prepared to contend with an extreme of the opposite kind, if necessary; she found herself thinking that this was worse.†   (source)
  • "Blocking up the streets and leaving heaps of dung for the likes of us to contend with," said Gerris.†   (source)
  • But there was nothing worse to contend with than Pipkin's disappointment at being left behind; and this was dispelled when Hazel assured him that the only reason was that he had already done his bit.†   (source)
  • Isildur's Bane — I would hazard that Isildur's Bane lay between you and was a cause of contention in your Company.†   (source)
  • Mr. Hickey can always contend that keeping certain contracts with the area hospitals was in fact an impossibility, given the immense buying power of the national franchises which had recently opened, and that I purposely overstated the relationship and loyalty I've enjoyed with those hospitals.†   (source)
  • For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America.†   (source)
  • in the room went ohh, and then the next ohh, and five seconds later the room at the back went ohh, the same release of breath every time, like blurts of disbelief, and a woman seated on the floor spun away and covered her face because it was completely new, you see, suppressed all these years, this was the famous headshot and they had to contend with the impact—aside from the fact that this was the President being shot, past the outer limits of this fact they had to contend with the impact that any high-velocity bullet of a certain lethal engineering will make on any human head, and the sheering of tissue and braincase was a terrible revelation.†   (source)
  • It took them two hours to reach the monkey house, contending the whole way with ill-tempered commuters.†   (source)
  • She sighed to herself, depressed by the prospect of having to contend with another group of beings intent on controlling her for their own ends.†   (source)
  • A sickly mother, a murdered father, and a plague of uncles were enough for any woman to contend with; she did not require a lovesick puppy too.†   (source)
  • "We did not think it necessary to contend for a word," wrote a more mellow John Adams years afterward.†   (source)
  • They were bones of contention and had changed hands between the countries of Sounis and Attolia for hundreds of years.†   (source)
  • Farming is always a chancy business, but in west-era Kansas its practitioners consider themselves "born gamblers," for they must contend with an extremely shallow precipitation (the annual average is eighteen inches) and anguishing irrigation problems.†   (source)
  • Records attesting to his death were pullulating like insect eggs and verifying each other beyond all contention.†   (source)
  • Xenophon indicates that the impiety charge stemmed primarily from the contention of Socrates that he received divine communications (a "voice" or a "sign") directing him to avoid politics and concentrate on his philosophic mission.†   (source)
  • Upon the whole, I cannot help saying—although I have never entered into the mysteries of government, having applied myself to my shop and my business—that it always seemed strange to me that people who contend so much for civil and religious liberty should be so ready to deprive others of their natural liberty.... If one set of private subjects may at any time take upon themselves to punish another set of private subjects just when they please, it's such a sort of government as I never heard of before; and according to my poor notion of government, this is one of the principle things which government is designed to prevent.†   (source)
  • It was like walking up a sand dune while contending with a slow shower of boulders dislodged by walkers ahead.†   (source)
  • She saw the sentences: "It may be possible that after a period of heavy usage, a sudden fissure may appear, though the length of this period cannot be predicted...The possibility of a molecular reaction, at present unknown, cannot be entirely discounted...Although the tensile strength of the metal is obviously demonstrable, certain questions in regard to its behavior under unusual stress are not to be ruled out....Although there is no evidence to support the contention that the use of the metal should be prohibited, a further study of its properties would be of value."†   (source)
  • When they accepted the appointments each petitioner had made a full confession, and they did not then contend, nor did they seriously contend at any time in the state courts, that these confessions were not voluntary.†   (source)
  • In most all cases the officer in charge of such transferrals checked the package to include only the most necessary (and honorable) effects, but one heard of embarrassing instances when grieving elders were forced to contend with awkward last notions of their dead.†   (source)
  • The cattle ran for many miles, but soon the storm was to the east of them and he had only the rain and darkness to contend with.†   (source)
  • If the Wall should fail ..." "...the wildlings will flood the north," his father finished, "and the Starks and Greyjoys will have another enemy to contend with.†   (source)
  • She had contended with Jon Arryn, Ned Stark, and her vile, treacherous, murderous dwarf brother, all the while promising herself that one day it would be her turn.†   (source)
  • I agree that it's important to be of a virtuous nature, but I would also contend that if you had to choose between giving a man a noble disposition or teaching him to think clearly, you'd do better to teach him to think clearly.†   (source)
  • As though Bigwig's angry impatience, Pipkin's terror and the approaching dog were not enough to contend with, the cleverest rabbit among them had evidently gone out of his mind.†   (source)
  • I should sooner think of wrapping him up in cotton wool and putting him into my pocket, than sending him to contend with cannon ball.†   (source)
  • It had been Lin's contention that the writing was on the wall —the Great Wall, perhaps — and that a superior special intelligence force manned by the colony's own could well be its first line of defence in the years leading up to 1997, and, in the event of a takeover, its first line of cohesive resistance afterwards.†   (source)
  • As they contended for rule of the city, the factions became known as the tigers and elephants, respectively.†   (source)
  • Now that you are with us again, our position is somewhat improved, although not as much as I had hoped, given that we must now also contend with Galbatorix's latest artifice, these men without pain.†   (source)
  • Remember how your courage and spirit have been despised and traduced by your cruel invaders, though they have found by dear experience at Boston, Charlestown, and other places, what a few brave men contending in their own land, and in the best of causes can do, against base hirelings and mercenaries.†   (source)
  • And the pleasure of working with Jefferson stood in such vivid contrast to the ill will and dark suspicions Adams had had to contend with when dealing with Arthur Lee.†   (source)
  • At Rosby, Tommen would be safe from the mob, and keeping him apart from his brother also made things more difficult for Stannis; even if he took King's Landing and executed Joffrey, he'd still have a Lannister claimant to contend with.†   (source)
  • The Empire and the Varden had disintegrated into a series of smaller groups contending against one another over the entire breadth and width of the Burning Plains.†   (source)
  • He may have stirred additional resentment by offering arguments against the collective, ritualistic view of religion shared by most Athenians or by contending that gods could not, as Athenians believed, behave immorally or whimsically.†   (source)
  • Five times had Old Ghis contended with Valyria when the world was young, and five times gone down to bleak defeat.†   (source)
  • They did not fare very well, though each of them negotiated some skimpily favorable remark before the protesting prosecution, which contended that personal comments of this nature were "incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial," hushed and banished them.†   (source)
  • He had flown fearlessly into danger and criticism by selling petroleum and ball bearings to Germany at good prices in order to make a good profit and help maintain a balance of power between the contending forces.†   (source)
  • Their contention was that violence was nothing more than criminal behavior that could not be tolerated by the state.†   (source)
  • The proponents of advertising in the schools argue that it is necessary to prevent further cutbacks; opponents contend that schoolchildren are becoming a captive audience for marketers, compelled by law to attend school and then forced to look at ads as a means of paying for their own education.†   (source)
  • I wanted to hide the real depth of the trouble, put it away not (as Sunny always contended) for the sake of my reputation or standing but so I could try to forget she was my daughter, that she had ever come to live with me and had grown up before my eyes.†   (source)
  • "Though Italy is flanked on three sides by the sea, and in the north by a mountain barrier," Alessandro began, "and though its early history is an illustration of the success of uniform administration and centralism, this country has exemplified division, contention, and atomization.†   (source)
  • In his lawsuit seeking payment for wrongful termination, Ferrell contends that he was fired for giving the order to close the Palestine plant.†   (source)
  • The prosecution's case rested in large part on their contention that Operation Mayibuye had been approved by the ANC executive and had become the operating plan of MK.†   (source)
  • And why should the boy assume that the old man, having seen what he had seen, having contended throughout his life with great and ineffable forces, having survived into old age, and having known, intimately and deeply, both natural and feminine beauty, would want to say anything at all?†   (source)
  • He thought it unlikely that anyone would understand or appreciate the struggle and aggravation he had been through, the doubts, timidity, and hostilities he had had to contend with.†   (source)
  • The attorneys contended that their clients had been unjustly convicted because legal counsel had not been appointed them until after they had confessed and had waived preliminary hearings; and because they were not competently represented at their trial, were convicted with the help of evidence seized without a search warrant (the shotgun and knife taken from the Hickock home), were not granted a change of venue even though the environs of the trial had been "saturated" with publicity prejudicial to the accused.†   (source)
  • In a letter to Livingston that he never sent, Adams would later contend that Franklin would not have signed the treaty without the knowledge of Vergennes—that Vergennes, in fact, had been in on the whole thing.†   (source)
  • Michael D. Ferrell, a former vice president at IBP, contends that the real blame for the high injury rate at the company lies not with the workers, supervisors, nurses, safety directors, or plant managers, but with IBP's top executives.†   (source)
  • Bram Fischer spoke next and was prepared to tackle the state's two most serious contentions: that we had undertaken guerrilla warfare and that the ANC and MK were the same.†   (source)
  • But it is Dr. Satten's contention that only the first murder matters psychologically, and that when Smith attacked Mr. Clutter he was under a mental eclipse; deep inside a schizophrenic darkness, for it was not entirely a flesh-and-blood man he "suddenly discovered" himself destroying, but "a key figure in some past traumatic configuration": his father?†   (source)
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