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  • a choleric outburst
  • men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing
  • The choleric face which Mr. Meagles turned upon him smoothed when he saw who it was, and he put out his friendly hand.   (source)
  • I argued with one of these cops—a choleric ugly Irishman—asserting my right to enter, and I might have remained outside for hours had it not been for Larry.†   (source)
  • The choleric face which Mr Meagles turned upon him smoothed when he saw who it was, and he put out his friendly hand.†   (source)
  • "Hold, father," said the Jew, "mitigate and assuage your choler.†   (source)
  • I felt quite amused at his unwarranted choler, and while he stumped indignantly up and down I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog.†   (source)
  • He had the choler of the obese, easily roused and as easily calmed, and his boys soon discovered that there was much kindliness beneath the invective with which he constantly assailed them.†   (source)
  • I recognised his decisive nose, more remarkable for character than beauty; his full nostrils, denoting, I thought, choler; his grim mouth, chin, and jaw — yes, all three were very grim, and no mistake.†   (source)
  • "How did they act with regard to the Marechale d'Ancre?" cried the king, in the highest state of choler; "first her closets were thoroughly searched, and then she herself."†   (source)
  • At this sudden and unexpected annunciation, a low, fierce yell ran through the multitude, that might not inaptly be compared to the growl of the lion, as his choler is first awakened—a fearful omen of the weight of his future anger.†   (source)
  • Beneath his choleric exterior Gerald O'Hara had the tenderest of hearts.†   (source)
  • Only, in the far corner of the room, which had been netted off for Cully—loose there, unhooded and deep in moult —they could hear a faint muttering from the choleric infantry colonel.†   (source)
  • The knights of the Round Table were sent out as a measure against Fort Mayne, and the choleric barons who lived by Fort Mayne took up the cudgels with the ferocity of despair.†   (source)
  • He is an elderly man, red-faced, white-haired, and choleric.†   (source)
  • The Colonel's wrath, under circumstances where almost any Texan would have been cool, nonplussed Duane, and he put it down to a choleric temperament.†   (source)
  • The Rev. B. B. Gordon was a man by nature ill-suited to be a schoolmaster: he was impatient and choleric.†   (source)
  • Once more Blakeney turned, and from his high altitude looked down on the choleric little man before him; but not even for a second did he seem to lose his own imperturbable good-humour.†   (source)
  • On hearing this the regimental commander hung his head, silently shrugged his shoulders, and spread out his arms with a choleric gesture.†   (source)
  • He was the kind of man to whom some human object for pouring out his heart upon—were it emotive or were it choleric—was almost a necessity.†   (source)
  • A squirrel, from the lofty depths of his domestic tree, chattered either in anger or merriment—for the squirrel is such a choleric and humorous little personage, that it is hard to distinguish between his moods—so he chattered at the child, and flung down a nut upon her head.†   (source)
  • And now, being a trifle choleric in his temperament, the lieutenant-governor uplifted the heavy hilt of his sword, wherewith he so beat and banged upon the door, that, as some of the bystanders whispered, the racket might have disturbed the dead.†   (source)
  • There was no vulgar bullying, no bravado of any sort, no choleric hectoring, and striding to and fro across the apartment, jerking out vehement commands for Bartleby to bundle himself off with his beggarly traps.†   (source)
  • It appeared, indeed, from the countenance of this proprietor, that he was of a frank, but hasty and choleric temper.†   (source)
  • Hereupon, a choleric gentleman, who had taken the fourth place on that seat, flew into a most violent passion, and said that it was a breach of contract to mix him up with such villainous company, and that it was poisonous, and pernicious, and infamous, and shameful, and I don't know what else.†   (source)
  • Now, Mr. Bumble was a fat man, and a choleric; so, instead of responding to this open-hearted salutation in a kindred spirit, he gave the little wicket a tremendous shake, and then bestowed upon it a kick which could have emanated from no leg but a beadle's.†   (source)
  • That he might make his appearance before his mistress in the true style of a cavalier, he borrowed a horse from the farmer with whom he was domiciliated, a choleric old Dutchman of the name of Hans Van Ripper, and, thus gallantly mounted, issued forth like a knight-errant in quest of adventures.†   (source)
  • The commander of the regiment was an elderly, choleric, stout, and thick-set general with grizzled eyebrows and whiskers, and wider from chest to back than across the shoulders.†   (source)
  • That in the captain's but a choleric word
    Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy.   (source)
    choleric = angry
  • Must I give way and room to your rash choler?   (source)
    choler = anger
  • Go show your slaves how choleric you are,   (source)
    choleric = angry
  • you were so choleric   (source)
  • ourselves are choleric   (source)
    choleric = easily moved to anger
  • "And if you think you deserve applause for nobly refraining from committing rape on top of assault—" I choked on my choler.†   (source)
  • If Dougal had been reluctant to try to break his nephew out of Wentworth, I could imagine his choler if several MacKenzies were arrested for breaking into the place.†   (source)
  • It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of rare forecast, he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and, by intercepting them with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable.†   (source)
  • Stay, my lord, And let your reason with your choler question What 'tis you go about.†   (source)
  • OEDIPUS And who could stay his choler when he heard How insolently thou dost flout the State?†   (source)
  • Be mistress, and your full desires obtain; But quench the choler you foment in vain.†   (source)
  • Good Captain Peesel, be quiet; 'tis very late, i' faith: I beseek you now, aggravate your choler.†   (source)
  • Patience perforce with wilful choler meeting
    Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting.†   (source)
  • Sir, he is rash, and very sudden in choler, and haply with his truncheon may strike at you: provoke him, that he may; for even out of that will I cause these of Cyprus to mutiny, whose qualification shall come into no true taste again but by the displanting of Cassio.†   (source)
  • What, drunk with choler?†   (source)
  • No, my lord; rather with choler.†   (source)
  • Nay, my choler is ended.†   (source)
  • From the same it proceedeth, that men give different names, to one and the same thing, from the difference of their own passions: As they that approve a private opinion, call it Opinion; but they that mislike it, Haeresie: and yet haeresie signifies no more than private opinion; but has onely a greater tincture of choler.†   (source)
  • Sheathe thy impatience; throw cold water on thy choler; go about the fields with me through Frogmore; I will bring thee where Mistress Anne Page is, at a farm-house a-feasting; and thou shalt woo her.†   (source)
  • and France in choler parted!†   (source)
  • I mean, an we be in choler we'll draw.†   (source)
  • This drove Candide to despair; he had, indeed, endured misfortunes a thousand times worse; the coolness of the magistrate and of the skipper who had robbed him, roused his choler and flung him into a deep melancholy.†   (source)
  • Choler, my lord, if rightly taken.†   (source)
  • I tell thee, Kate, 'twas burnt and dried away, And I expressly am forbid to touch it; For it engenders choler, planteth anger; And better 'twere that both of us did fast, Since, of ourselves, ourselves are choleric, Than feed it with such over-roasted flesh.†   (source)
  • When he was brought again to the bar, to hear His knell rung out, his judgment, he was stirr'd With such an agony, he sweat extremely, And something spoke in choler, ill, and hasty.†   (source)
  • And seeing the end of punishing is not revenge, and discharge of choler; but correction, either of the offender, or of others by his example; the severest Punishments are to be inflicted for those Crimes, that are of most Danger to the Publique; such as are those which proceed from malice to the Government established; those that spring from contempt of Justice; those that provoke Indignation in the Multitude; an†   (source)
  • But though the Merry-Andrew was a little fellow, and not very strong, he had nevertheless some choler about him.†   (source)
  • Lo, Cato, which that was so wise a man,
    Said he not thus, *'Ne do no force of* dreams,'<8> *attach no weight to*
    Now, Sir," quoth she, "when we fly from these beams,
    For Godde's love, as take some laxatife;
    On peril of my soul, and of my life,
    I counsel you the best, I will not lie,
    That both of choler, and melancholy,
    Ye purge you; and, for ye shall not tarry,
    Though in this town is no apothecary,
    I shall myself two herbes teache you,
    That shall be for your health, and for your prow;* *profit
    And in our yard the herbes shall I find,
    The which have of their property by kind* *nature
    To purge you beneath, and eke above.†   (source)
  • Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor; for me to put him to his purgation would perhaps plunge him into far more choler.†   (source)
  • The parson greatly commended this resolution: and now the squire having ordered in another bottle, which was his usual method when anything either pleased or vexed him, did, by drinking plentifully of this medicinal julap, so totally wash away his choler, that his temper was become perfectly placid and serene, when Mrs Western returned with Sophia into the room.†   (source)
  • Lest it make you choleric, and purchase me another dry basting.†   (source)
  • Black George was, in the main, a peaceable kind of fellow, and nothing choleric nor rash; yet did he bear about him something of what the antients called the irascible, and which his wife, if she had been endowed with much wisdom, would have feared.†   (source)
  • Of masters had he more than thries ten,
    That were of law expert and curious:
    Of which there was a dozen in that house,
    Worthy to be stewards of rent and land
    Of any lord that is in Engleland,
    To make him live by his proper good,
    In honour debtless, *but if he were wood*, *unless he were mad*
    Or live as scarcely as him list desire;
    And able for to helpen all a shire
    In any case that mighte fall or hap;
    And yet this Manciple *set their aller cap* *outwitted them all*
    The REEVE <49> was a slender choleric man
    His beard was shav'd as nigh as ever he can.†   (source)
  • This Issachar was the most choleric Hebrew that had ever been seen in Israel since the Captivity in Babylon.†   (source)
  • The best and soundest of his time hath been but rash; then must we look to receive from his age, not alone the imperfections of long-ingraffed condition, but therewithal the unruly waywardness that infirm and choleric years bring with them.†   (source)
  • I cannot tell; I fear 'tis choleric.†   (source)
  • Sire, forget not this for Godde's love;
    Ye be full choleric of complexion;
    Ware that the sun, in his ascension,
    You finde not replete of humours hot;
    And if it do, I dare well lay a groat,
    That ye shall have a fever tertiane,
    Or else an ague, that may be your bane,
    A day or two ye shall have digestives
    Of wormes, ere ye take your laxatives,
    Of laurel, centaury, <9> and fumeterere, <10>
    Or else of elder-berry, that groweth there,
    Of catapuce, <11> or of the gaitre-berries, <12>
    Or herb ivy growing in our yard, that merry is:
    Pick them right as they grow, and eat them in,
    Be merry, husband, for your father's kin;
    Dreade no dream; I can say you no more.†   (source)
  • Phoebus the sun full jolly was and clear,
    For he was nigh his exaltation
    In Marte's face, and in his mansion <5>
    In Aries, the choleric hot sign:
    Full lusty* was the weather and benign; *pleasant
    For which the fowls against the sunne sheen,* *bright
    What for the season and the younge green,
    Full loude sange their affections:
    Them seemed to have got protections
    Against the sword of winter keen and cold.†   (source)
  • I fear it is too choleric a meat.†   (source)
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