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  • Between meals, Don Jose sketched rather than dissected the cadavers and caught up on his sleep on a bench below a Gauguin and alongside several Van Goghs in the Prado.   (source)
    cadavers = dead human bodies
  • 1422: Attacking forces launch decaying cadavers over castle walls in Bohemia.   (source)
  • Abruptly he was gripped by the irrational conviction that the cadavers surrounding him were those of his wife and children; all of them were Michelle and the girls, as though Joe had wandered into a scene in a science fiction movie about clones.   (source)
    cadavers = bodies
  • Physically, he would be considered a hunk at the university or even as a cadaver in an autopsy room, which was preferable to her.   (source)
    cadaver = dead human body
  • In the photograph he looked already a cadaver.   (source)
  • And you expect me to use my hearse to cart the cadaver?   (source)
  • As to the dead, I would withhold no decency of burning; a man should spare no pains to see cadavers given as soon, as may be after death to purifying flame.   (source)
    cadavers = dead human bodies
  • Baz's playing got more and more passionate, and there was ragtime and honky-tonk, and then Mr. Lisbon whispered in his ear, and Baz began playing Bach funeral music, sitting stiff and waxy and doing his best to look like a cadaver.†   (source)
  • "Leonardo da Vinci drew cadavers," Ruth said softly.†   (source)
  • With the news about Andy, it was like someone had thrown an x-ray switch and reversed everything into photographic negative, so that even with the daffodils and the dogwalkers and the traffic cops whistling on the corners, death was all I saw: sidewalks teeming with dead, cadavers pouring off the buses and hurrying home from work, nothing left of any of them in a hundred years except tooth fillings and pacemakers and maybe a few scraps of cloth and bone.†   (source)
  • The idea of identifying three cadavers didn't appeal to Holly.†   (source)
  • Cadavers of rusted cars filled up yellowed yards.†   (source)
  • The best of them bought cadavers for study.†   (source)
  • Using cadaveric dura (dura from a dead person), I sewed it over her brain.†   (source)
  • They entered the dairy, and at dawn the milk was sour and full of minuscule cadavers.†   (source)
  • The young doctor was disappointed: he had never had the opportunity to study the effects of gold cyanide on a cadaver.†   (source)
  • It was yellow, and parts of it had liquefied—it looked like the liver of a cadaver.†   (source)
  • "Hema, if you want pretty, dissect cadavers," he once told her.†   (source)
  • She'd just as well shot it in a dried-out old cadaver.†   (source)
  • When we were faced with our first cadaver, smelling partly of formaldehyde and stinking partly of rot, because it had not been well preserved, we all held our noses and plunged in, covering for the students who were in the lavatory throwing up.†   (source)
  • To a cadaver and a very limp wrist.†   (source)
  • There's no one other than the man unloading his cadaver drawers.†   (source)
  • "I have that honor, Ser Jaime " The cadaver's eyes were rimmed in red, his hair thin and dry.†   (source)
  • In between school and schoolwork, Theresa pitched in, happy to get away from her cadaver.†   (source)
  • It was interesting being this, a cadaver, an experiment.†   (source)
  • You never did tell me what your people eventually do with a cadaver.†   (source)
  • The stench of burned cadaver and charred remains hung heavy in the air.   (source)
    cadaver = dead bodies
  • A dull, yellowish bruise, the sheen of tarnished silver, marked Owen's cheek—where the Brinker-Smiths' mobile bed had struck him—giving him a cadaver's uneven color.   (source)
    cadaver = dead human body
  • The karpos's fanged mouth unhinged, expanding to an unbelievable circumference, then closed around the cadaver's head, and chomped it off in one bite.   (source)
  • Two of the nosoi solidified into cadavers—one with a peach for a third eye, the other with a tree branch sticking out of his chest.   (source)
    cadavers = dead human bodies
  • You might've thought we'd just finished a nice picnic rather than a battle with plague-ridden cadavers.   (source)
  • All night long I had the sensation of helplessness, speechlessness, an inability to move or cry out against the inexorable weight of earth as it was flung in thud-thud-thuding rhythm against my rigidly paralyzed, supine body, a living cadaver being prepared for burial in the sands of Egypt.   (source)
    cadaver = dead human body
  • ...the rainshower of poisonous detail, the agglomeration of facts, piling up at Nuremberg and at trials elsewhere like mountainous unmentionable dungheaps, began to tell more than the consciousness of many could bear, even more than those numbing early newsclips of bulldozed cordwood cadavers suggested.   (source)
    cadavers = dead human bodies
  • I don't mean cadavers, or diseases, or collapsed organs, I mean what Ruth talks about.†   (source)
  • Many of the people in Africa who came down with Ebola had handled Ebola-infected cadavers.†   (source)
  • He had acquired the necessary techniques while articulating cadavers for medical students at Cook County Hospital.†   (source)
  • Then just as he was smiling and starting to look proud, I would say, "So are the cadavers you cut up.†   (source)
  • I started out by dressing in a white coat and sitting on a tall stool in a room with four cadavers, while Buddy and his friends cut them up.†   (source)
  • Mudgett foresaw no difficulty in acquiring the cadavers, although in fact a national shortage of corpses for medical education had by then driven doctors to raid graveyards for the freshly dead.†   (source)
  • Broadly stated, the plan called for Mudgett and his friend to recruit a couple of other accomplices, who together would fake the deaths of a family of three and substitute cadavers for each person.†   (source)
  • "The scheme called for a considerable amount of material," Mudgett wrote, "no less than three bodies in fact," meaning he and his friend somehow had to acquire three cadavers roughly resembling the husband, wife, and child.†   (source)
  • Jean stared in horror at the bald cadavers, with their stiff little feet and empty eyes, his hopes dashed of convincing Esteban Trueba, who lost all interest in the fur trade at the sight of such extensive loss of life.†   (source)
  • He detected it in the cadavers slit open from head to toe on the dissecting table, he even recognized it in patients who hid their age with the greatest success, he smelled it in the perspiration on his own clothing and in the unguarded breathing of his sleeping wife.†   (source)
  • One of the worst cases of this testicular infection appeared in a morgue attendant who had handled Marburg-infected bodies and who himself came down with Marburg, having caught it from the cadavers.†   (source)
  • They wrapped the cadavers of the nuns and Nurse Mayinga in sheets soaked in chemicals, then double-bagged the mummies in plastic and put each one in an airtight coffin with a screw-down lid, and held the funeral services at the hospital, under the watch of doctors.†   (source)
  • It included several military body bags, for holding human cadavers, and the members of his team had a serious discussion among themselves about how to handle their own remains if one of them died of Marburg.†   (source)
  • As with Bo-Bo, it involved removing a portion of the skull, cutting between the two halves of the brain, covering the swollen brain with cadaveric dura, and sewing the scalp back up.†   (source)
  • "Mrs. Cadaver was sitting next to my mother," I said.†   (source)
  • The idea of the ship being sawed up like a cadaver made me feel faint.†   (source)
  • Ben and Phoebe and Mrs. Cadaver and Mrs. Partridge are all coming to visit next month.†   (source)
  • It was like the first time I saw a cadaver.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver said, "Sal, do you want to come in?"†   (source)
  • And speaking of odd, there's something very odd about that Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Holmes admitted arranging the cadaver to suggest that Pitezel had died in an accidental explosion.†   (source)
  • Your mother also asked Mrs. Cadaver how you and Prudence were.†   (source)
  • I didn't even wonder how he had met Mrs. Cadaver or how long he had known her.†   (source)
  • Then he drove up to see Mrs. Cadaver while I stayed with Gram and Gramps.†   (source)
  • He would continue calling tomorrow, he promised, and he would speak with Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • At home that night, all I could think about was Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Once she saw Mrs. Cadaver in her garden with a flashlight.†   (source)
  • "My, you're very polite," Mrs. Cadaver said, flashing her wild gray eyes.†   (source)
  • I don't believe that Mom called Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Mr. Birkway stared at Beth Ann for a minute, and in that minute, I was reminded of Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Two blocks from Margaret Cadaver's was the place where my father and I were now going to live.†   (source)
  • Sergeant Bickle asked Phoebe to spell Mrs. Cadaver's name.†   (source)
  • Through the window, we could see Ben lugging the axe up the front steps of Mrs. Cadaver's house.†   (source)
  • She said, "You wouldn't think it to look at her, but Mrs. Cadaver is as strong as an ox."†   (source)
  • As I passed Mrs. Cadaver's house, Mrs. Partridge called to me from her porch.†   (source)
  • She could convince me of just about anything—especially about Margaret Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I knew it was mean, but I felt as if I had won a little victory over Margaret Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I think maybe she killed Mr. Cadaver and chopped him up and buried him in the backyard.†   (source)
  • I haven't been able to speak to Mrs. Cadaver myself yet.†   (source)
  • I don't know why she phoned Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • My mother told Mrs. Cadaver all about me and my father and our farm in Bybanks.†   (source)
  • "Why not?" he said, too loudly, because Mrs. Cadaver looked up and said, "What?"†   (source)
  • Dad wanted to be alone with the red-headed Margaret Cadaver.†   (source)
  • "How do you know about Mrs. Cadaver?" he said.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver was unable to give him any more information about Phoebe's mother's call.†   (source)
  • It looked like I was merely jealous of Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Phoebe was waiting in front of Mrs. Cadaver's house.†   (source)
  • As we passed Margaret Cadaver's house, a voice called out.†   (source)
  • That day Mrs. Cadaver was home, puttering around her garden.†   (source)
  • "I just wanted you to know," Mr. Birkway said, "that Mr. Cadaver is not buried in her backyard.†   (source)
  • There were no lights on at Mrs. Cadaver's.†   (source)
  • Because of him hacking up Mr. Cadaver, that's what.†   (source)
  • A little later we saw Ben leave Mrs. Cadaver's house.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver told her that you and Prudence were fine.†   (source)
  • So I explained to him how Mrs. Cadaver had told me all this on the day Phoebe's mother returned.†   (source)
  • Partridge—was also in the car with Mr. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I imagined Mrs. Cadaver touching her husband's face.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver pointed to the rhododendron bush and then at the axe, but Mr. Birkway shook his head.†   (source)
  • What was the diabolic thing that happened to Mr. Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Beneath Mrs. Cadaver's signature was a P.S. saying that Mrs. Cadaver would be away until Monday.†   (source)
  • Have you ever wondered what happened to Mr. Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver probably killed her and chopped her up.†   (source)
  • The worst thing was that Phoebe didn't even know yet that Mrs. Cadaver was Mr. Birkway's sister.†   (source)
  • I said to Mr. Birkway, "Mrs. Cadaver is your sister?"†   (source)
  • "After you call the police," Mrs. Winterbottom said, "call Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I could see the stretchers being wheeled in, and I could see Mrs. Cadaver looking down at them.†   (source)
  • Like Mr. Cadaver—as I told you before.†   (source)
  • After her mother left, Phoebe said, "Mrs. Cadaver works odd hours, doesn't she?†   (source)
  • And if you would like me to speak with Mrs. Cadaver—†   (source)
  • When at last we left Mrs. Cadaver and Mrs. Partridge, we drove for approximately three minutes.†   (source)
  • You don't seem to know Mrs. Cadaver and Mrs. Partridge very well—†   (source)
  • Phoebe said, "If Mrs. Cadaver didn't kidnap or murder my mother, then where is she?†   (source)
  • What would you do if Mrs. Cadaver chopped up your father?†   (source)
  • I have a cadaver organ that I should have in the air by now.†   (source)
  • The delivery man is puking behind his cadaver drawers.†   (source)
  • He looks like he wants to shrink behind his cadaver drawers.†   (source)
  • Genet and I were paired as dissection partners on a cadaver, which was fortunate for her.†   (source)
  • It was an eerie experience, starting the surgery, because their bodies were so cold it was like working on a cadaver.†   (source)
  • The only time I jumped was when I leaned my elbow on Buddy's cadaver's stomach to watch him dissect a lung.†   (source)
  • After a minute or two I felt this burning sensation in my elbow and it occurred to me the cadaver might just be half alive since it was still warm, so I leapt off my stool with a small exclamation.†   (source)
  • For weeks afterward, the cadaver's head-or what there was left of it-floated up behind my eggs and bacon at breakfast and behind the face of Buddy Willard, who was responsible for my seeing it in the first place, and pretty soon I felt as though I were carrying that cadaver's head around with me on a string, like some black, noseless balloon stinking of vinegar.†   (source)
  • He claimed to have deposited one package of dismembered cadaver in the Fidelity Storage Warehouse in Chicago.†   (source)
  • He poured a solvent on the cadaver's upper body and set it on fire, then positioned the body on the floor in direct sunlight.†   (source)
  • With demand outpacing supply, doctors established a custom of graciously and discreetly accepting any offered cadaver.†   (source)
  • Holmes claimed to have secured a cadaver that resembled Ben Pitezel and to have placed it on the second floor of a house rented especially for the fraud.†   (source)
  • While in medical school he and a fellow student, a Canadian, had talked about how easy it would be for one of them to buy life insurance, make the other the beneficiary, then use a cadaver to fake the death of the one insured.†   (source)
  • With the courage of that spit in me, I went to see Margaret Cadaver, and we had a long talk, and that's when I found out how she met my father.†   (source)
  • As I left Phoebe's, the dead-leaf crackly voice of Margaret Cadaver called to me from her house next door.†   (source)
  • When we got to their house, the only thing he said was, "Phoebe, I'm going to go talk with Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I think that if she told Mrs. Cadaver all that, then my mother must have been missing us, don't you think?†   (source)
  • I went over to Phoebe's after dinner on the day Mr. Birkway had read from my journal about the blackberry kisses and from Phoebe's about Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Then he and Mrs. Cadaver gouged and prodded and tunneled around in the dirt until the poor old rhododendron flopped onto its side.†   (source)
  • "Let's see," Gramps said, "didn't Peeby want you to tell your daddy about Mrs. Cadaver and Mr. Birkway hacking up her husband?"†   (source)
  • He and Margaret Cadaver were twins?†   (source)
  • She told Mrs. Cadaver about the fields and the blackberries and Moody Blue and the chickens and the singing tree.†   (source)
  • Phoebe called out, "Don't go in!" but when Mrs. Cadaver held the front door open, Ben disappeared inside.†   (source)
  • "Well, I am not fine," Phoebe said, "and what does Mrs. Cadaver know anyway, and besides, Mrs. Cadaver is making the whole, thing up.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver told me about her and my father writing to each other, and about how my father needed to get away from Bybanks for a while.†   (source)
  • I hoped Mr. Birkway was in love with Margaret Cadaver and would marry her and take her away so that my father and I could go back to Bybanks.†   (source)
  • By this time he was receiving letters from Mrs. Cadaver, and I knew that he was answering her letters.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver told me about how my father visited her in the hospital in Lewiston after he had buried my mother.†   (source)
  • From that day on, Margaret Cadaver's hair did look spooky and her voice did sound exactly like dead leaves.†   (source)
  • There in the calm light of my father, all those things that Phoebe had said about Mrs. Cadaver seemed foolish.†   (source)
  • The most disappointing part of that piece of knowledge was that he was not going to fall in love with Mrs. Cadaver and marry her and take her away.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver had helped him find a job.†   (source)
  • A few days after Phoebe and I had seen Mr. Birkway and Mrs. Cadaver whacking away at the rhododendron, I walked home with Phoebe after school.†   (source)
  • While I was thinking about all of this that night after Phoebe and I crept into Mrs. Cadaver's house, I also thought about Ben.†   (source)
  • One Sunday, when my father was looking through the photo albums, I asked him if he knew much about Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Maybe this is really why he was happy, I thought, or maybe it was because he could be alone with Margaret Cadaver.†   (source)
  • First, there is that name: Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Who cares how he met Margaret Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver came screeching up to the curb in her yellow Volkswagen, with her wild red witch hair flying all over the place.†   (source)
  • Next, Mrs. Cadaver slashed and sliced at a pitiful rosebush that had been trying to creep up the side of her house.†   (source)
  • I started wondering if the birds of sadness had built their nest in Mrs. Cadaver's hair afterward, and if so, how she got rid of them.†   (source)
  • I saw everyone else going on with their own agendas while Mrs. Cadaver was frantically trying to keep her husband and her mother alive.†   (source)
  • On the day after Mr. Birkway appeared at Phoebe's house and told us about Mr. Cadaver, Phoebe and I put our plan in motion.†   (source)
  • I asked Mrs. Cadaver why my father hadn't told me how he had met her, and she said he had tried, but I didn't want to hear it, and he didn't want to upset me.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver hacked branches off of trees and hauled these to the back of her lot where she lumped them into a pile of branches that she had hacked off last week.†   (source)
  • "Hi, Sal," Mrs. Cadaver called.†   (source)
  • She had been asking me why I had not said anything to my father about Mrs. Cadaver and Mr. Birkway, and I told her that I was waiting for the right time.†   (source)
  • He came to see the only survivor from the bus crash, and when he learned that Mrs. Cadaver had been sitting next to my mother, they started talking about her.†   (source)
  • She explained about her mother disappearing, and the note from Mrs. Cadaver, and Mrs. Cadaver's missing husband, and the rhododendron, and finally about the lunatic and the mysterious messages.†   (source)
  • Her name is Mrs. Cadaver, right?†   (source)
  • That night, as I lay in bed, I thought about Mrs. Cadaver, and I wanted to believe that she was capable of killing her husband and chopping him into pieces and burying him in the backyard.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver probably hired him.†   (source)
  • And even though Mrs. Cadaver had told me all this and had told me how she had been with my mother in her last minutes, I still did not believe that my mother was actually dead.†   (source)
  • I do not think that Phoebe actually planned to break into Mrs. Cadaver's house, but as Phoebe was going to bed, she saw Mrs. Cadaver, in her nurse's uniform, get into her car and leave.†   (source)
  • That made me think of Phoebe and the lunatic, and I said, "If I were walking in Phoebe's moccasins, I would have to believe in a lunatic and an axe-wielding Mrs. Cadaver to explain my mother's disappearance."†   (source)
  • She phoned Mrs. Cadaver—†   (source)
  • Of course I saw Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I explained that just as Phoebe was going to divulge the purely awful thing that had happened to Mr. Cadaver, her father came home from work and we all sat down to dinner: me, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, and Phoebe's sister, Prudence.†   (source)
  • Because I first saw Phoebe on the day my father and I moved to Euclid, I began my story of Phoebe with the visit to the red-headed Margaret Cadaver's, where I also met Mrs. Partridge, her elderly mother.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver is making it up.†   (source)
  • Phoebe slapped the newest message about the water in the well onto his desk, dumped the hairs which she had collected at Mrs. Cadaver's house on top of the message, and then placed her list of "Further Items to Investigate" on top of that.†   (source)
  • Everyone saw Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver is my sister.†   (source)
  • Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Now she's a Cadaver.†   (source)
  • I had asked Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • Then who is Mrs. Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Did you see Mrs. Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver?†   (source)
  • Mrs. Cadaver.†   (source)
  • SMP feels like a cadaver.†   (source)
  • WHEN THOMAS STONE BOUGHT his own cadaver in his final year of medical school, it was unheard-of, but did not surprise anyone.†   (source)
  • For weeks Thomas Stone toiled over his cadaver, spending more time with her than he had with any other female save his mother.†   (source)
  • After death, the cadaver suddenly deteriorates: the internal organs, having been dead or partially dead for days, have already begun to dissolve, and a sort of shock-related meltdown occurs.†   (source)
  • The risks to a healthy donor present a significant ethical obstacle, but we believe the critical shortage of cadaver organs obliges us to move forward.†   (source)
  • The corpse's connective tissue, skin, and organs, already peppered with dead spots, heated by fever, and damaged by shock, begin to liquefy, and the fluids that leak from the cadaver are saturated with Ebola-virus particles.†   (source)
  • But he lucked out with the cadaver he purchased in his final year: a well-fed, middle-aged female, a type he associated with the linoleum factories in Fife.†   (source)
  • The next day he asked the puzzled attendant to dispose of the cadaver even though the dissection of the pelvis was incomplete and the lower limbs were untouched.†   (source)
  • It stemmed from his final year of medical school, when he did what was unheard of: he bought his very own cadaver so that he could master the anatomy he had already learned so well on a shared cadaver in his first year of medical school.†   (source)
  • It was still very high risk, but by publishing their experience with such tricks as bypassing portal blood to the superior vena cava during the long surgery, or using the "University of Wisconsin solution" to better preserve cadaver livers, results were improving.†   (source)
  • Live donor transplant will overcome both the problem of organ shortage and the problem of cadaver livers that are damaged because it has taken too long to get consent and too long to remove the organ and get it to where it needs to be.†   (source)
  • First of all, transplants are notoriously unsuccessful when the liver is being destroyed by fulminant hepatitis B. Even if we found a cadaver liver of the right blood group and size and we did the transplant successfully, we would have to use massive doses of steroids and other drugs that suppress the immune system to prevent rejection of the new liver.†   (source)
  • The preachers spoke morally of the effect of alcohol on paupers, and the bankers of the disrespect for savingsaccounts which is always to be seen in the kind of men who insist on becoming cadavers.†   (source)
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