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  • And if my benefactor gave me no account number?†   (source)
  • What will Arthur do for Erik, his sponsor, his benefactor, his ticket to the big time?†   (source)
  • I had just escaped from the tidiness, the neatness, of my benefactors in Flushing.†   (source)
  • Most of the benches bore the names of benefactors—in memory of Mrs. Ruth Klein or whatever —but my mother's bench, the Rendezvous Point, alone of all the benches in that part of the park had been given by its anonymous donor a more mysterious and welcoming message: EVERYTHING OF POSSIBILITY.†   (source)
  • "Indulge your benefactor a little bit longer," he responds, and runs a finger down the crease of his pant legs.†   (source)
  • Then the woman in the green demon mask pulled my benefactor away before I could give him any word of thanks.†   (source)
  • When she could only guess, Denver followed her directions and went to say thank you anywaym whether she had the right benefactor or not.†   (source)
  • The theme was to be our centennial and the generosity of our gracious Benefactor.†   (source)
  • Only then did he permit them to bury him, not in any ordinary way, but with the honors reserved for Macondo's greatest benefactor.†   (source)
  • The people were all friendly and pleasant, especially as they learned that I represented their late, great benefactor Red Stevens.†   (source)
  • Why do you wish to destroy your benefactors?†   (source)
  • I was the benefactor, the one who dispenses gifts, bonuses, bribes, baksheesh.†   (source)
  • Madame Belet was fond of Eric, too, but he had the feeling that this was mainly because she recognized him as Yves' somewhat unlikely benefactor.†   (source)
  • I was his benefactor.†   (source)
  • He was a benefactor of Catholic charities, a Knight of Malta, a strong supporter of right-to-life causes.†   (source)
  • This was the regent who was to become my guardian and benefactor for the next decade.†   (source)
  • All we're missing is a plaque honoring our generous benefactor.†   (source)
  • A benefactor showed up out of the blue last week, and not only offered to cover the rest of the repairs in full, but already had all the work crews lined up.†   (source)
  • He has no memory of how he arrived in New Jersey from Kenya, except that he has a benefactor, Eli Harris.†   (source)
  • That's a nice way of saying "one of our charity cases," some poor girl packed off to school by a distant relative or given a scholarship by one of Spence's benefactors.†   (source)
  • A benefactor isn't that strange-not these days.†   (source)
  • Father did very well and thanks to a kind benefactor was sent to university to study to become a doctor for the missions.†   (source)
  • To reveal the identity of my benefactor would be to condemn someone to death at the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran.†   (source)
  • I watched it all, night after night, on fields named for town doctors and dead coaches and benefactors, where parking cost a dollar and benefited the March of Dimes.†   (source)
  • In the years following 9/11 and America's war to topple the Taliban, these remote and craggy valleys would attract bands of Taliban and their Al Qaeda benefactors, who knew how easy it could be to lose oneself in these wild heights.†   (source)
  • They had died "amid the hosannas and grateful benedictions of a numerous, happy, and joyful people," and on the nation's fiftieth birthday, which, said Daniel Webster in a speech in Boston, was "proof" from on high "that our country, and its benefactors, are objects of His care."†   (source)
  • Out on the road, he had no friends, no benefactors, and only the clothes on his back.†   (source)
  • He had once been twenty-five minutes late for confession, upsetting his benefactor, and had no other excuse but the lack of an accurate timepiece.†   (source)
  • Sharon decided he should write a brief account of his life, which could be used to help him with potential benefactors.†   (source)
  • The director had told him once that the Home was financed by "religious benefactors."†   (source)
  • If we who were the movers, the providers, the benefactors of mankind, were willing to let the brand of evil be stamped upon us and silently to bear punishment for our virtues-what sort of "good" did we expect to triumph in the world?†   (source)
  • So we mean to cheat our benefactors, is that it?†   (source)
  • Now our Horvath benefactors receive the pearls as an honorarium for their defense of our system.†   (source)
  • You cannot imagine that some kindly benefactor, someone perhaps you have almost forgotten about, would ever concern himself with putting you on your feet....settling with creditors and that kind of thing?†   (source)
  • I dreamed of my ghostly benefactor, the slave boy Artiste, and the dream became somehow fused with the dream of another slave I had known about years before—Nat Turner.†   (source)
  • "My lord, my benefactor," I cried.†   (source)
  • Fortunately, the seven have elapsed, that I may now speak to thank my benefactors and answer their questions.†   (source)
  • "I than you, my benefactor," spoke Siddhartha, disembarking on the other side of the river.†   (source)
  • Soon she took his altruism so much for granted that on several occasions she knocked on his door asking him in tears to protect her from her benefactor.†   (source)
  • Let him live outside his income, or shirk the resolute honest work that brings wages, and he will presently find himself dreaming of a possible benefactor, a possible simpleton who may be cajoled into using his interest, a possible state of mind in some possible person not yet forthcoming.   (source)
    benefactor = financial supporter or helper
  • Sir Christopher Wren was the Temple Church's most famous benefactor.†   (source)
  • The other day I asked them what they wanted for Benefactor's Day, and they said, 'Bring Papi home!'†   (source)
  • It could have been Benefactor's Day all over again except that everyone was dressed in black.†   (source)
  • Benefactor's Day My dear Little Book, We're expecting Tio Pepe any moment.†   (source)
  • I'm sure it would mean a great deal to our Benefactor to hear that you have his pleasure in mind!'†   (source)
  • Then I recognized him under a canopy of Dominican flags, the Benefactor I'd heard about all my life.†   (source)
  • Why should we celebrate Benefactor's Day in the cemetery?†   (source)
  • Do not help a holdup man to claim that he acts as your friend and benefactor.†   (source)
  • As the boy served him, the benefactor taught him everything he knew.†   (source)
  • "The Benefactor rep on the Multilateral Talks is an idiot," Gorku said.†   (source)
  • You should always be on the lookout for someone who can be a benefactor.†   (source)
  • Most of the Council of Benefactors were Korkoo.†   (source)
  • The Benefactors are deadlocked and the peace movement is gaining strength.†   (source)
  • In my mind, I saw my husband as this boy's benefactor.†   (source)
  • Are you intending to antagonize our Horvath benefactors?†   (source)
  • I assure you, you won't have any more trouble from your Horvath ...benefactors.†   (source)
  • As long as our Horvath benefactors don't get snarky.†   (source)
  • So am I under arrest to be delivered to our benefactors or am I free to go?†   (source)
  • "Which will belong to our Horvath benefactors," Raskob pointed out.†   (source)
  • The Benefactors would never approve a simple annihilation raid.†   (source)
  • Do you really think the Horvath are your benefactors?†   (source)
  • I do not slander the enterprises of a benefactor and coconspirator.†   (source)
  • "I am not a benefactor," he said, "nor a lord.†   (source)
  • "You are my benefactor," I said stoutly.†   (source)
  • I don't believe that Dan Needham and I thought of my grandmother as Owen's BENEFACTOR, although—quite literally—that is what she'd become; but that Christmas of 1960, Dan and I—and Grandmother—had reason to be especially proud of Owen Meany.†   (source)
  • Professor Vadhera, still the benefactor, went on to list two technical institutes (both with "International" in the name and both in Florida) which, for a fee, made it easy for international students to get their visas and which also negotiated a very generous exchange of Jullundhar college credits.†   (source)
  • While we're waiting, I am taking these few minutes to wish El Jefe Happy Benefactor's Day with all my heart.†   (source)
  • Tio Pepe reminded us of the big parade next Sunday for Benefactor's Day, and Minerva said something like why don't we go celebrate at the cemetery.†   (source)
  • Manuel de Moya is supposed to be so smooth with the ladies, they probably think they're following the example of the Virgencita if they bed down with the Benefactor of the Fatherland.†   (source)
  • But most especially, my most sincere gratitude goes to our true benefactor, El Jefe Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, Champion of Education, Light of the Antilles, First Teacher, Enlightener of His People.†   (source)
  • De Moya regretted these insults to the virgin dignity of our Benefactor and expressed the openness of our government to any and all investigations from member nations who wish to ascertain the falsity of these malicious charges.†   (source)
  • On the front page of El Caribe, the two photographs were side by side: Noris giving her hand to a smiling Jefe (Young Offender Softens El Jefe's Heart); and me, kneeling, my hands clutched in prayer (Grateful Madre Thanks Her Benefactor).†   (source)
  • Generalisimo Doctor Rafael L. Trujillo, Benefactor of our Country Illustrious and well-loved Jefe, Knowing as I do, the high esteem in which my husband Enrique Mirabal held your illustrious person, and now somewhat less confounded by the irreparable loss of my unforgettable companero, I write to inform Your Excellency of his death on Monday, the fourteenth day of this month.†   (source)
  • Not bad for a career soldier from a lower-middle-class family in Nebraska who married a hairdresser in Hawaii thirty years ago, and supposedly bought his manse ten years ago on the strength of a very sizable inheritance from an untraceable benefactor, an obscure wealthy uncle I couldn't find.†   (source)
  • He builds a case against his benefactor before the act, letting him know it'll get to the right people if anything ugly happens.†   (source)
  • For the benefit of the poor and needy of this world like this Zuudkhan people, we tell our benefactors thank you.†   (source)
  • At the time, I looked on the white man not as an oppressor but as a benefactor, and I thought the chief was enormously ungrateful.†   (source)
  • Ah ha, you are my benefactor, sir?†   (source)
  • A special note of thanks is due to Donald Korb, Cedric's benefactor and guide, who I've been in regular contact with for more than three years.†   (source)
  • Your benefactor.†   (source)
  • James Davis gets a few awards for his all-around efforts, and twenty-two Ballou students who were selected back in junior high by the "I Have a Dream" Foundation (a national network of benefactors who guarantee college tuition to anyone who eventually needs it) walk up to get certificates commending their achievement thus far.†   (source)
  • This injustice rankled, and at that moment I saw Dr. Kerr less as a benefactor than as a not-altogether-benign dictator.†   (source)
  • But the man who produces an idea in any field of rational endeavor-the man who discovers new knowledge-is the permanent benefactor of humanity.†   (source)
  • The showpiece of separate development was the Transkei, led by mynephew and one-time benefactor, K. D. Matanzima, who had successfully repressed almost all legitimate opposition to his rule.†   (source)
  • Rewards and honors were offered to applicants for managerial jobs —then to foremen-then to skilled mechanics-then to any man who would make an effort to deserve a promotion in rank: wage raises, bonuses, tax exemptions and a medal devised by Wesley Mouch, to be known as "The Order of Public Benefactors."†   (source)
  • Yet at the same time, it aroused and motivated us, and began to alter my perception of men like Dr. Wellington, whom I had automatically considered my benefactor.†   (source)
  • "Believe it or not, some people can't sort out the difference between Glatun and our Horvath benefactors," the guard said, handing back his ID.†   (source)
  • Our Horvath benefactors who find our systems as porous as you do and are listening to this conversation on my cell phone are our friends!†   (source)
  • I, of course, fully intend to collect every bit of maple syrup possible for our Horvath friends and benefactors.†   (source)
  • What I really fear is that our Horvath benefactors will feel so justifiably irritated by the inaction of local sap collectors that they'll destroy the trees.†   (source)
  • The previous month, the Glatun Council of Benefactors, the oligarchy that made most of the major decisions for the Glatun government, had agreed to cede to the Rangora strategic control over fifteen uninhabited solar systems.†   (source)
  • A long time ago, she had retired from her previous life, had given her garden to the monks of Gotama as a gift, had taken her refuge in the teachings, was among the friends and benefactors of the pilgrims.†   (source)
  • Or suppose our mysterious benefactor, who visited this house, turns out to be a bandit and comes and slits our throatsl Have you at least got a gun?†   (source)
  • Perhaps in every life there has to be, in addition to the other protagonists, a secret, unknown force, an almost symbolic figure who comes un-summoned to the rescue, and perhaps in mine Evgraf, my brother, plays the part of this hidden benefactor?†   (source)
  • 'Enough, Benefactor; that is quite another thing.†   (source)
    benefactor = someone who helps a person or organization -- especially financially
  • why, with that head, is he not a benefactor to his species!†   (source)
  • To have painted the sordid facts of their lives, and they throughout invoking the death's head apparition of the family gentility to come and scare their benefactors, would have made Young John a satirist of the first water.†   (source)
    benefactors = people who help a person or organization
  • If you were not an ornament to Society, and if I was not a benefactor to Society, you and I would never have come together.†   (source)
    benefactor = someone who helps a person or organization -- especially financially
  • When I say a benefactor to it, I mean a person who provides it with all sorts of expensive things to eat and drink and look at.†   (source)
  • No such benefactor to mankind being on the spot, he handed Mrs Gowan to her boat, and stood there until it had shot out of the narrow view; when he handed himself into his own boat and followed.†   (source)
  • Partly in his old habit of submission, partly because his not doing it might injure his benefactor, and partly because he would as soon do it as anything else, Cavalletto took up the Refrain this time.†   (source)
  • the roc's egg of great ladies' assemblies, the subduer of exclusiveness, the leveller of pride, the patron of patrons, the bargain-driver with a Minister for Lordships of the Circumlocution Office, the recipient of more acknowledgment within some ten or fifteen years, at most, than had been bestowed in England upon all peaceful public benefactors, and upon all the leaders of all the Arts and Sciences, with all their works to testify for them, during two centuries at least—he, the shining wonder, the new constellation to be followed by the wise men bringing gifts, until it stopped over a certain carrion at the bottom of a bath and disappeared—was simply the greatest Forger and the greates†   (source)
    benefactors = people who help a person or organization
  • Jody Simmons was his benefactor and one did not do such things to one's benefactor.†   (source)
  • We can say that these twelve were great benefactors, that we are all fed by the overflow of the magnificent wealth of their spirit, and that we are glad to accept it in gratitude and brotherhood.†   (source)
  • How was he to get out of the job Jody Simmons had given him in order to take the new job without offending his benefactor?†   (source)
  • I would bury the red-brown tiles and the oily portraits of old men—benefactors, founders of schools.†   (source)
  • It was not to be believed that I was Cass Mastern, who stood thus in the house of a friend and benefactor.†   (source)
  • He was of the great benefactors of humanity.†   (source)
  • But what an admirable, respectable man he is all in all, a benefactor to suffering humankind.†   (source)
  • Regular hoboes and public benefactors we are.†   (source)
  • Was this his kind Mormon benefactor, this man with the awful eyes?†   (source)
  • That comes of being a public benefactor.†   (source)
  • I shall always feel that you are a benefactor.†   (source)
  • He is one of the greatest of our public benefactors.†   (source)
  • "And you are a benefactor of the race," said I. He shrugged his shoulders.†   (source)
  • I am no longer a poor fool of a doctor, but mankind's greatest benefactor.†   (source)
  • Pavlicheff was my benefactor, and my father's friend.†   (source)
  • Mrs. Lynde says she knows an orphan girl who tried to poison her benefactor.†   (source)
  • The circumstance occasioned no alteration, however, in the behaviour of his benefactors.†   (source)
  • In general, every evil to which we do not succumb is a benefactor.†   (source)
  • And if the benefactor so belated should now be slain!†   (source)
  • I am with the distinguished consideration which is due to the benefactors of humanity,— Jondrette.†   (source)
  • The same is true of the more modern reformers and benefactors of their race.†   (source)
  • Let not a public benefactor talk of one's being too fond of pleasure.†   (source)
  • I am for you not only a protector, but a friend; not only a benefactor, but a father.†   (source)
  • "Come, be calm," said the druggist; "later on you will show your gratitude to your benefactor."†   (source)
  • "Either you are a demon," continued Felton, "or the baron—my benefactor, my father—is a monster.†   (source)
  • Are you not the Captain Fernand who betrayed, sold, and murdered his benefactor, Ali?†   (source)
  • My benefactor was loved and trusted by the emperor, who heaped him with honorable rewards.†   (source)
  • Is my benefactor to be made known to me to-day?†   (source)
  • For several minutes, Jondrette had been scrutinizing "the benefactor" in a singular fashion.†   (source)
  • Dear Father, God reward you, our benefactor, who prays for all of us and for our sins!†   (source)
  • And he was conscious that Bulstrode had been a benefactor to him.†   (source)
  • And they with their simple, kind, firm faces surrounded his benefactor on all sides.†   (source)
  • 'How can I thank you, my best and only benefactor?†   (source)
  • By this time, O good my benefactor and friend!†   (source)
  • He was my benefactor; he took me when I hadn't a shoe to my foot, when my family had turned me out.†   (source)
  • Reward of ingratitoode to his earliest benefactor, and founder of fortun's.†   (source)
  • Unfortunately, the negotiation failed, and when he returned to defend his benefactor, he was dead.†   (source)
  • I want to hear and understand my benefactor's words.†   (source)
  • "Enter, my benefactor," repeated Jondrette, rising hastily.†   (source)
  • Says you, "Joseph, I have this day seen my earliest benefactor and the founder of my fortun's.†   (source)
  • So the poor child exchanged a benefactress for a benefactor.†   (source)
  • He is kind, he is one of God's chosen, he's a benefactor, he once gave me ten rubles, I remember.†   (source)
  • Don't trouble yourself about them, my benefactor, but buy my picture.†   (source)
  • Had my benefactor been here he would have told me what to do.†   (source)
  • "Our angelic benefactor overwhelms us," said Jondrette, bowing to the very earth.†   (source)
  • That day I received a letter from my benefactor in which he wrote about "conjugal duties."†   (source)
  • "May God requite it to you, my generous benefactor!" said Jondrette.†   (source)
  • Again he covered himself up with his cloak, but now neither the lodge nor his benefactor was there.†   (source)
  • Jondrette exclaimed:— "A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!†   (source)
  • "I go by myself, benefactor," said Ivanushka, trying to speak in a bass voice.†   (source)
  • "O my protector!" said Jondrette, "my august benefactor, I melt into tears!†   (source)
  • yes, my benefactor!" replied the father.†   (source)
  • This is painful, but, loving my benefactor and sovereign, I submit.†   (source)
  • She was ready to sacrifice everything for her benefactors.†   (source)
  • "My benefactor!" exclaimed Jondrette, overwhelmed.†   (source)
  • Deign to enter, most respected benefactor, and your charming young lady, also.†   (source)
  • You see, my benefactor, no bread, no fire.†   (source)
  • She did not indeed let her imagination range beyond the day of plighting: after that everything faded into a haze of material well-being, in which the personality of her benefactor remained mercifully vague.†   (source)
  • The letter was written in an odd, upright hand and signed "Edward Hyde": and it signified, briefly enough, that the writer's benefactor, Dr. Jekyll, whom he had long so unworthily repaid for a thousand generosities, need labour under no alarm for his safety, as he had means of escape on which he placed a sure dependence.†   (source)
  • The supplying of them to the people in the community has had the same effect as the supplying of bricks, and the man who learns at Tuskegee to build and repair wagons and carts is regarded as a benefactor by both races in the community where he goes.†   (source)
  • He found opportunities to remark that Dr. Angus was a benefactor to humanity, Maxwell and Howard Littlefield profound scholars, Charles McKelvey an inspiration to ambitious youth, and Mrs. McKelvey an adornment to the social circles of Zenith, Washington, New York, Paris, and numbers of other places.†   (source)
  • His late benefactor, it is true, was a Scot—even to the length of being called Alexander McNeil—and Jim came from a long way south of the Tweed; but at the distance of six or seven thousand miles Great Britain, though never diminished, looks foreshortened enough even to its own children to rob such details of their importance.†   (source)
  • The young fellow had confessed this love of his to him (Totski) and had also admitted it in the hearing of his benefactor, General Epanchin.†   (source)
  • The will was holograph, for Mr. Utterson, though he took charge of it now that it was made, had refused to lend the least assistance in the making of it; it provided not only that, in case of the decease of Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., L.L.D., F.R.S., etc., all his possessions were to pass into the hands of his "friend and benefactor Edward Hyde," but that in case of Dr. Jekyll's "disappearance or unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months," the said Edward Hyde should step into the said Henry Jekyll's shoes without further delay and free from any burthen or obligation, beyond the payment of a few small sums to the members of the doctor's household.†   (source)
  • The work which Professor Booker T. Washington has accomplished for the education, good citizenship, and popular enlightenment in his chosen field of labour in the South entitles him to rank with our national benefactors.†   (source)
  • One benefactor implored, "Don't be a Wallflower—Be More Popular and Make More Money—YOU Can Ukulele or Sing Yourself into Society!†   (source)
  • However vague the citizens were as to the nature of his wickedness, once they lost faith in him they lost it completely and with joy, and they welcomed an apparently spontaneously generated rumor that he had betrayed his benefactor, their beloved Dr. Pickerbaugh, by seducing Orchid.†   (source)
  • This so-called benefactor of mankind talked a fine game about purification and sanctification, but in fact he was bent upon the emasculation of life, wanted to let it bleed to death.†   (source)
  • He was an old friend of McCarthy's, and, I may add, a great benefactor to him, for I have learned that he gave him Hatherley Farm rent free.†   (source)
  • 'My name,' said he, 'is Mr. Duncan Ross, and I am myself one of the pensioners upon the fund left by our noble benefactor.†   (source)
  • He whooped, and had another whiskey; he told Clif that he was a fine fellow, and Barney that he was a public benefactor, and unsteadily he retired to the telephone, which was shut off from public hearing in a closet.†   (source)
  • Hermine Kleefeld, as a motherly friend and benefactor, did the same, and learned a few things under the seal of secrecy, which under the same seal she then spread throughout the house, not excluding the concierge desk.†   (source)
  • I found your respected mother at Pskoff, ill and in deep poverty, as she has been ever since the death of your benefactor.†   (source)
  • "It seems to me that you have been too painfully impressed by the news of what happened to your good benefactor," said the old dignitary, kindly, and with the utmost calmness of demeanour.†   (source)
  • Idiot though he was, the noble scion tried to cheat his professor, and they say he succeeded in getting him to continue the treatment gratis for two years, by concealing the death of his benefactor.†   (source)
  • How can morality have need of my last breaths, and why should I die listening to the consolations offered by the prince, who, without doubt, would not omit to demonstrate that death is actually a benefactor to me?†   (source)
  • If I wished to behave nobly, justly, and with delicacy, I ought to bestow half my fortune upon the son of my benefactor; but as economy is my favourite virtue, and I know this is not a case in which the law can intervene, I will not give up half my millions.†   (source)
  • Before Mr. Burdovsky made this claim, I proposed to found a school with this money, in memory of my benefactor, but I shall honour his memory quite as well by giving the ten thousand roubles to Mr. Burdovsky, because, though he was not Pavlicheff's son, he was treated almost as though he were.†   (source)
  • I've found a benefactor.†   (source)
  • Such men do not give up their aspirations after originality without a severe struggle,—and there have been men who, though good fellows in themselves, and even benefactors to humanity, have sunk to the level of base criminals for the sake of originality).†   (source)
  • 'As for what you saw, at the dreadful day of judgment I will say I'm not to blame, and wasn't to blame for it, and I would rather die at once if people can suspect me of such a thing against my benefactor, Nikolai Petrovitch.'†   (source)
  • I may have been born to be a benefactor to you by sometimes giving you an opportunity of assisting me in my little perplexities.†   (source)
  • The captive awaited a moment, for the commotion to subside, and then turning again to Le Balafre, he continued, in tones conciliating and kind, as if he felt the propriety of softening his refusal, in a manner not to wound the pride of one who would so gladly be his benefactor— "Let my father lean heavier on the fawn of the Dahcotahs," he said: "she is weak now, but as her lodge fills with young, she will be stronger.†   (source)
  • But, after a while, they found that he considered them the benefactors, and could not do enough to show how grateful he was for Mrs. March's motherly welcome, their cheerful society, and the comfort he took in that humble home of theirs.†   (source)
  • I am persuaded she knew no difference between his having been a personal benefactor of hers, and a kind friend to me, and that she would have received him with the utmost gratitude and devotion in any case.†   (source)
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