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  • It was the archetype of archetypes; Paralon was the reality that the legend of Camelot aspired to be.†   (source)
  • This"—she paused for emphasis—"is the archetype of an inclined plane...You'll not find its equal anywhere.†   (source)
  • Though she was unaware of it, Annie Kate had become the archetype of maternity and there was immense power and authority in her presence as she walked restlessly around the house, gazing out toward the city, or adding a log to the fire to cut the bitter island cold.†   (source)
  • He was the archetypal petit-bourgeois, cautious, complacent, mean.†   (source)
  • he transported them through the lands of illusion, raising up palaces of colored smoke upon pillars of water and of fire, escalating the benches at which they sat down canyons of stardust, striving with coral and myrrh to bend their senses beyond themselves, bringing onto them all their Aspects, wherein he held them, rotating about the archetypes upon which they had based their powers, as Shiva danced in a graveyard the Dance of Destruction and the Dance of Time, celebrating the legend of his annihilation of the three flying cities of the Titans, and Krishna the Dark moved through the Wrestler's Dance in commemoration of his breaking of the black demon Bana, while Lakshmi danced the Danc†   (source)
  • Years were to pass, along with much study in Jewish sociology and the reading of books like Goodbye, Columbus and Marjorie Morningstar, before I would learn of the existence of the archetypal Jewish princess, her modus operandi and her significance in the scheme of things.†   (source)
  • She'd been through it many times, a thing far worse for her than for him because Luke knew nothing, in that last hour, while her mind rushed on over thoughts as precise and sharp as the rods of an iron fence: had been through it and out of it to the light again, forced into the shabby role for which she had not the faintest desire and from which she drew, she devoutly believed, no satisfaction (she knew what satisfaction was, knew where she would prefer to be)—the role of God or archetypal mother or stone at the center of the universe—because by senseless accident she had borne sons.†   (source)
  • They are archetypal images—judging, punishing, pitiless.†   (source)
  • The archetype that is formed in every child for life and seems for ever after to be his inward face, his personality, awoke in him in its full primordial strength, and compelled nature, the forest, the afterglow, and everything else visible to be transfigured into a similarly primordial and all-embracing likeness of a girl.†   (source)
  • She identifies six boyfriend archetypes.
    archetypes = typical examples of different types
  • "If you perceive me as such," Mal'akh had replied, understanding as had the ancients that angels and demons were identical—interchangeable archetypes—all a matter of polarity: the guardian angel who conquered your enemy in battle was perceived by your enemy as a demon destroyer.†   (source)
  • Part of pattern recognition is talent, but a whole lot of it is practice: if you read enough and give what you read enough thought, you begin to see patterns, archetypes, recurrences.†   (source)
  • Freud gets help here from Jessie L. Weston, Sir James Frazer, and Carl Jung, all of whom explain a great deal about mythic thinking, fertility myths, and archetypes.†   (source)
  • While we may not be all that well versed in types and archetypes from the Bible, we generally recognize, whatever our religious affiliation, some of the features that make Christ who he is.†   (source)
  • Frye thought the archetypes came from the Bible, or so he said at times, but such a notion won't account for the myths and archetypes that lie behind and inform the works of Homer, say, or those of any storyteller or poet who lacked access to the Judeo-Christian tradition.†   (source)
  • The late great Canadian critic Northrop Frye took the notion of archetypes from C. G. Jung's psychoanalytical writings and showed that whatever Jung can tell us about our heads, he can tell us a great deal more about our books.†   (source)
  • You'd think that these components, these archetypes, would wear out with use the way cliche wears out, but they actually work the other way: they take on power with repetition, finding strength in numbers.†   (source)
  • This archetypal hybrid was the grandfather of them all.†   (source)
  • The second concept for our consideration is archetype.†   (source)
  • You can't find the archetype, just as you can't find the pure myths.†   (source)
  • It was an archetypal force, as Chiron would say—something that could never really die.†   (source)
  • She tried to hold on to it because it was peaceful and lovely: the archetype of a family life she had never had, the type she and Vic would never have with their one planned child and their carefully programmed lives.†   (source)
  • And now I wish I hadn't said anything about this archetype dude because I hate looking up stuff in his stupid dictionary.†   (source)
  • I'm still looking in the dictionary for "archetype" and I'm looking for words that are underlined with red ink, because that's what Freak does the first time he looks up a word, he makes a line under it, and you'd be amazed how many are underlined, there are whole pages like that, where he's looked up every single word.†   (source)
  • Solomon had spoken with a contagious passion, presenting a dazzling vision of semiotics and archetypal history that had sparked in Langdon what would later become his lifelong passion for symbols.†   (source)
  • "Anyway," Langdon said, "this story falls into a category we symbologists call an 'archetypal hybrid'—a blend of other classic legends, borrowing so many elements from popular mythology that it could only be a fictional construct ....not historical fact."†   (source)
  • When Langdon taught his students about archetypal hybrids, he used the example of fairy tales, which were recounted across generations and exaggerated over time, borrowing so heavily from one another that they evolved into homogenized morality tales with the same iconic elements—virginal damsels, handsome princes, impenetrable fortresses, and powerful wizards.†   (source)
  • When we hear or see or read one of these instances of archetype, we feel a little frisson of recognition and utter a little satisfied "aha!"†   (source)
  • "Archetype" is a five-dollar word for "pattern," or for the mythic original onwhich a pattern is based.†   (source)
  • Those stories—myth, archetype, religious narrative, the great body of literature—are always with us.†   (source)
  • This pattern of entry into adult life, Mansfield intimates, has been a recognizable part of our culture for thousands of years; of course it has always been there, but the myth embodying the archetype has continued unbroken through Western culture since the very early Greeks.†   (source)
  • What does matter is that there is this mythic level, the level on which archetype operates and from which we borrow the figure of, for instance, the dying-and-reviving man (or god) or the young boy who must undertake a long journey.†   (source)
  • Remember, as many commentators have said about the Persephone myth, it encompasses theyouthful female experience, the archetypal acquisition of knowledge of sexuality and of death.†   (source)
  • The story ceases to be locked in the middle of the twentieth century and becomes timeless and archetypal, speaking of the tensions and difficulties that exist always and everywhere between brothers, with all their caring and pain and guilt and pride and love.†   (source)
  • Plauen has been a battlefield for these competing ideologies, with their proudly displayed and archetypal symbols: the smokestack, the swastika, the hammer and sickle, the golden arches.†   (source)
  • It was the archetype of archetypes; Paralon was the reality that the legend of Camelot aspired to be.†   (source)
  • The times were wrong, not incorrupt and not out of joint but subtly mellowed, decayed to ambiguity: If right and wrong were as clear as ever, they were clear chiefly on a private scale, and though God was in his Heaven yet, He had somewhat altered, had become archetypal of a new, less awesome generation of fathers: Wisdom watching the world with half-averted eyes, chewing His ancient lip thoughtfully, mildly, venturing an occasional rueful smile.†   (source)
  • Of all those who had so foully tarnished the image of the modern South he was a leading mischief-maker, not really typical of Southern politicians but because of his blabbermouth and prominence rendering himself, in the eyes of the credulous, an archetypal image of the Southern statesman and thus polluting the name of whatever was good and decent and even exemplary in the South as surely and as wickedly as those anonymous sub-anthropoids who had recently slaughtered Bobby Weed.†   (source)
  • As Dr. Jung points out, the theory of the archetypes is by no means his own invention.†   (source)
  • Jung, "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," par†   (source)
  • The archetypes to be discovered and assimilated are precisely those that have inspired, throughout the annals of human culture, the basic images of ritual, mythology, and vision.†   (source)
  • But it can be seen from a comparison of the figures of Australian ritual with those familiar to us from higher cultures, that the great themes, the ageless archetypes, and their operation upon the soul remain the same.†   (source)
  • Only an unparalleled impoverishment of symbolism could enable us to rediscover the gods as psychic factors, that is, as archetypes of the unconscious...Heaven has become for us the cosmic space of the physicists, and the divine empyrean a fair memory of things that once were.†   (source)
  • Yours in the bowel, of Christ, Once we have broken free of the prejudices of our own provincially limited ecclesiastical, tribal, or national rendition of the world archetypes, it becomes possible to understand that the supreme initiation is not that of the local motherly fathers, who then project aggression onto the neighbors for their own defense.†   (source)
  • The archetype of the hero in the belly of the whale is widely known.†   (source)
  • This archetypal nightmare of the ogre father is made actual in the ordeals of primitive initiation.†   (source)
  • Like some archetype of the universal unconscious, the image of the gentleman caller haunted our small apartment.†   (source)
  • Furthermore, the metaphysical pre-existence of the Platonic archetype of the shark is implied in the curious logic of the final dialogue.†   (source)
  • Dr. Jung points out that he has borrowed his term archetype from classic sources: Cicero, Pliny, the Corpus Hermeticum, Augustine, etc. Bastian notes the correspondence of his own theory of "Elementary Ideas" with the Stoic concept of the Logoi spermatikoi.†   (source)
  • ;' the archetype Body of life a beaked carnivorous desire Self-upheld storm-broad wings: but the eyes Were spouts of blood; the eyes were gashed out; dark blood Ran from the ruinous eye pits to the hook of the beak And rained on the waste spaces of empty heaven.†   (source)
  • If the God is a tribal, racial, national, or sectarian archetype, we are the warriors of his cause; but if he is a lord of the universe itself, we then go forth as knowers to whom all men are brothers.†   (source)
  • It drives the psychic energies into depth and activates the lost continent of unconscious infantile and archetypal images.†   (source)
  • But in order that it may be confronted on universal grounds, rather than sectarian, we had better review one further example, equally celebrated, of the archetypal event.†   (source)
  • 12tnapishtim-Noah, the flood hero, is an archetypal father figure; his island, the World Navel, is a prefigurement of the later Greco-Roman "Islands of the Blessed.†   (source)
  • As the original intruder into the paradise of the infant with its mother, the father is the archetypal enemy; hence, throughout life all enemies are symbolical (to the unconscious) of the father.†   (source)
  • They form an integral portion of the archetypal myth of the history of the world, and so belong properly to Part II of the present discussion: "The Cosmogonic Cycle."†   (source)
  • If one or another of the basic elements of the archetypal pattern is omitted from a given fairy tale, legend, ritual, or myth, it is bound to be somehow or other implied—and the omission itself can speak volumes for the history and pathology of the example, as we shall presently see.†   (source)
  • They disclose him to himself, not as this personality or that, but as the warrior, the bride, the widow, the priest, the chieftain; at the same time rehearsing for the rest of the community the old lesson of the archetypal stages.†   (source)
  • The Buddha beneath the Tree of Enlightenment (the Bo Tree) and Christ on Holy Rood (the Tree of Redemption) are analogous figures, incorporating an archetypal World Savior, World Tree motif, which is of immemorial antiquity.†   (source)
  • Because our eyes are closed to the paradox of the double focus, we regard the deed as accomplished amid danger and great pain by a vigorous arm, whereas from the other perspective it is, like the archetypal dragon-slaying of Tiamat by Marduk, only a bringing to pass of the inevitable.†   (source)
  • The fantasy is primarily spontaneous; for there exists a close and obvious correspondence between the attitude of the young child toward its mother and that of the adult toward the surrounding material world.29 But there has been also, in numerous religious traditions, a consciously controlled pedagogical utilization of this archetypal image for the purpose of the purging, balancing, and initiation of the mind into the nature of the visible world.†   (source)
  • Whether it be the king's child about to be taken from the felicity of her established dual-unity with King Daddy, or God's daughter Eve, now ripe to depart from the idyl of the Garden, or again, the supremely concentrated Future Buddha breaking past the last horizons of the created world, the same archetypal images are activated, symbolizing danger, reassurance, trial, passage, and the strange holiness of the mysteries of birth.†   (source)
  • In a word: the first work of the hero is to retreat from the world scene of secondary effects to those causal zones of the psyche where the difficulties really reside, and there to clarify the difficulties, eradicate them in his own case (i.e., give battle to the nursery demons of his local culture) and break through to the undistorted, direct experience and assimilation of what C. G. Jung has called "the archetypal images."†   (source)
  • 54 The native Australian mythologies teach that the first initiation rites were carried out in such a way that all the young men were killed.55 The ritual is thus shown to be, among other things, a dramatized expression of the Oedipal aggression of the elder generation; and the circumcision, a mitigated castration.56 But the rites provide also for the cannibal, patricidal impulse of the younger, rising group of males, and at the same time reveal the benign self-giving aspect of the archetypal father; for during the long period of symbolical instruction, there is a time when the initiates are forced to live only on the fresh-drawn blood of the older men.†   (source)
  • Mythology has been interpreted by the modern intellect as a primitive, fumbling effort to explain the world of nature (Frazer); as a production of poetical fantasy from prehistoric times, misunderstood by succeeding ages (Muller); as a repository of allegorical instruction, to shape the individual to his group (Durkheim); as a group dream, symptomatic of archetypal urges within the depths of the human psyche (Jung); as the traditional vehicle of man's profoundest metaphysical insights (Coomaraswamy); and as God's Revelation to His children (the Church).†   (source)
  • A pure masterpiece, born out of the profoundest, most sacred depths of a whole nation's emotions—its most precious possession, the archetype of genuine feeling, the very soul of human kindness?†   (source)
  • Harking to the call of a kindred spirit, Frank at once settled down to the mating dance of academe, and they were soon neck-deep in archetypes and the parallels between ancient superstitions and modern religions.†   (source)
  • Jackson, in his way, was the archetype of the new American—ignorant, pushful, impatient of restraint and precedent, an iconoclast, a Philistine, an Anglophobe in every fibre.†   (source)
  • The conditions of verse in different languages vary so widely as to make any versified translation of a poem but an imperfect reproduction of the archetype.†   (source)
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