adversaryin a sentence
She is his greatest adversary.
adversary = opponent
Their adversaries outsmarted them.
adversaries = opponents
I could never read the thoughts in the general's eyes, but I knew this much about his wife: If I was going to have an adversary in this—whatever this was— it would not be her.
adversary = opponent
Then, readying my weapons, I ran forward, leaping from platform to platform, to confront the first of my adversaries.
adversaries = opponents
- They told us that we had done battle with fiercer adversaries in the past, and we would again someday. (source)
Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request -- that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
adversary = opponent
Jake had filed interrogatories requiring his adversaries to divulge the identities of all potential witnesses.†
adversaries = opponents
They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.
adversary = opponent
- Presenting ourselves not as adversaries but as friends has distinguished us as much as the fiery costumes.† (source)
- You've always been a class enemy who views the people as your adversaries.† (source)
- I speak to you now, not from Washington, but from a secret location until we better understand our adversaries.† (source)
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
- With an advantage over his adversaries of a hundred feet, Kutuzov skipped up the first few steps of the staircase, paused for a moment to admire his handiwork, then disappeared around the corner.† (source)
- It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know.† (source)
- Many of the professors used the Socratic method—direct, repetitive, and adversarial questioning—which had the incidental effect of humiliating unprepared students.† (source)
- Now I see you contending against the woman like an adversary.† (source)
- And I'm being too adversarial, considering they spend all day working on how to save my life.† (source)
- Finally, it was rumored, there would be complete information-sharing among all of these previously disconnected and even adversarial entities, and when they were coordinated, and once all the health data they'd collected was shared, most of this made possible through the Circle and more important, TruYou, viruses could be stopped at their sources, diseases would be tracked to their roots.† (source)
- "Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform," said Hermione, "which gives you a split-second advantage."† (source)
- And he loved all allusions to faith' as a battle to be savagely fought and won; faith was a war waged against faith's adversaries.† (source)
- I headed toward the river surrounded by the others in a hesitant herd; they sensed that in all probability they were my adversaries in blitzball.† (source)
- Soon I no longer lost any games or Life Savers, but I lost my adversaries.† (source)
- Comic-book adversaries in a still-to-come war.† (source)
- Perhaps a Shao Lin priest could have anticipated some of the more exaggerated movements, but these men were hardly trained adversaries.† (source)
- The guest has to be smart enough to answer more questions correctly than his or her one hundred adversaries, and by that standard, few have ever seemed as superbly qualified as Christopher Langan.† (source)
- But in reality, the bear was not his primary adversary.† (source)
- The following advisories are advanced for priority study: Advisory $/: Modification of Agency Basic Procedures to eliminate Policy 979 which does not currently allow termination procedures by Department i-R. Advisory $2: Discontinue suspension of Personnel $2222 and grant full reinstatement on following basis: While it is fact that Witness $599-6 had been located by Adversaries, it has not been established that Personnel $2222 allowed termination of Witness $599-6 and affiliate (spouse) by Adversaries.† (source)
- For the last course the audience viewing pod was farcast to some godforsaken world...Armaghast, I think...and a FORCE:ground recon platoon fired a clean tactical nuke at a pretend adversary some nine klicks away.† (source)
- As for the Baron, he knew perfectly well his adversary was the Doctor, but he didn't care.† (source)
- For someone who wants a favor—an incredibly, unspeakably huge and dangerous favor at that—you're unexpectedly adversarial.† (source)
- Scatty suddenly found that three of her adversaries had transformed into an American robin, a house finch, and a song sparrow, while the exotic-looking catman directly in front of her warped into a confused Siamese.† (source)
- Some of our regular adversaries complained loud and long about how the inclusion of some of our pictures had tainted their precious yearbook.† (source)
- I could not bear to watch Edward cross the empty white space alone—but I also could not endure to have Renesmee one step closer to our adversaries.† (source)
- But don't even try to go around him and bawl out one of his guys, because he could be a formidable adversary when riled.† (source)
- But I could only think of one adversary who might be able to tell the future.† (source)
- Our adversaries ...attempted to appropriate it, but I insisted yesterday we fairly captured it....I now request the band to favor me with its performance.† (source)
- She had just turned twenty-one and had done little more than leave her house to go to school, but with one look around her she understood that her adversaries were not convulsed with hatred but paralyzed by fear.† (source)
- By chance Blomkvist ran into his old adversary, the former financial reporter William Borg, in front of Kvarnen when Blomkvist, Berger, and Malm took the evening off to celebrate the Santa Lucia holiday along with the magazine's other employees, going out to drink themselves senseless at the company's expense.† (source)
- I saw the glimmer of bare skin, like a pale veil separating two bloody-minded adversaries.† (source)
- She followed him with her eyes, thinking: It's as the Reverend Mother warned—too potent an adversary.† (source)
- For most of the 1980s OSHA's relationship with the meatpacking industry was far from adversarial.† (source)
- At Lake Hamilton High School, with around seven hundred students in grades ten through twelve, "Big Bad Shawn Brown" was a star athlete whose ability to crush adversaries both on and off the field was legendary.† (source)
- Ultimately Aisha even led an armed rebellion against a longtime adversary, Ali, after he became caliph.† (source)
- But this quaking, silent adversary was not what I'd envisioned.† (source)
- The Duchess set about studying Annette and shortly found her adversary's tragic flaw.† (source)
- Whirling upon his adversary, he grappled him in his long arms, hugging like a grizzly, and shouting: "You, Gid Himes, wha'r's my specimens?"† (source)
- Exhaustion proved to be Roran's greatest adversary as the last of the soldiers gradually approached, each man waiting his turn to duel him.† (source)
- Much of the lead from the rest of the statue would later be, as reported, melted down for bullets "to assimilate with the brains of our infatuated adversaries."† (source)
- They shook hands and exchanged the wry smile of adversaries who are enjoined from mauling each other by some inconvenience of context.† (source)
- In the toilet, where I used to take the papers, it was tortuous to look for and exclude the unnecessary pages so that I could learn how he would finally outwit his latest adversary.† (source)
- He included as partners some potential and former adversaries, such as who's tuberculosis branch.† (source)
- I loved to hear her talk, but now and then I couldn't help but think of Rocky and Bullwinkle's adversaries, Boris and Natasha.† (source)
- Relative to peers, McDaniels is among the top four in scenarios involving live adversaries, including four scenarios with random vye generation.† (source)
- You know what an adversarial expert witness would do with these?† (source)
- He does not see a worthy adversary in Kennedy.† (source)
- In combat he was terrifying, fighting entirely to kill, indifferent to any wounds he received himself and closing with his adversaries until his weight overbore and exhausted them.† (source)
- A hail of arrows and spears showered the deck as they sped past the Black Dragon, and Aven climbed onto the rigging to get a better look at their adversary.† (source)
- What more obvious way to deal with an adversary than to march up, steal a weapon, and kid-nap her in broad daylight in front of half the world's press core?† (source)
- ...They do so not as scientists watching from above the fray...but simply as fellow gladiators down in the arena—passionate and opinionated, like their adversaries.† (source)
- He gave thanks to the gods for the cunning and strength that had caused him to defeat such an adversary.† (source)
- The profit motive is inseparable from productivity incentive, but the adversary roles can never be equal.† (source)
- He was a Philadelphia lawyer and had been the city's chief prosecutor, handling more than a few cases where Sedgwick was the adversary.† (source)
- In every meeting with an adversary, one must make sure one has conveyed precisely the impression one intends to.† (source)
- So, swimming in fetlock-deep slop and conceding as many as twenty-four pounds to his adversaries, Seabiscuit finished third, snapping his historic win streak.† (source)
- Square by square, she searches the night skies for adversaries then scrutinizes the ocean, which is roiling with nine straight days of unseasonable April rains.† (source)
- She felt, at the same time, a growing respect for the adversary, for a science that was so clean, so strict, so luminously rational.† (source)
- The spokesman, intent on studying this unpredictable and unbalanced adversary, did not reply, but Kessell answered the question for him.† (source)
- The latter was folded open to an article about belt-buckle knives sharp enough to eviscerate an adversary or cut through bone.† (source)
- Joshua went to him and said, "Are you one of us, or one of our adversaries?"† (source)
- If there was anything a soldier feared, it was an adversary you could never read, a foe who might be more than willing to do whatever it took, however outrageous, to win.† (source)
- He generally saw his customers as adversaries.† (source)
- But adversaries of the federal system are very opposed to it.† (source)
- Even so, he and his unit threw themselves into the task with a devotion that matched the religious zealotry of their adversaries.† (source)
- The adversary who is truly formidable is the one who works within the fortress walls, singing pleasant songs while licking honey off knives.† (source)
- He did, but not about their dark adversaries.† (source)
- It was not that these bucks were dangerous adversaries ( their great spreads of antlers are useless as weapons) but simply that the wolves did not stand a chance of closing with them, and they knew it.† (source)
- Nor was Professor Bieganski a true quisling, a collaborator in the now accepted sense of the word, since when the country was invaded that September and Cracow, virtually unharmed, became the seat of government for all Poland, it was not with the intent to betray his fatherland that he sought to offer his services to the Governor General, Hitler's friend Hans Frank, but only as an advisor and expert in a field where Poles and Germans had a mutual adversary and a profound common interest—die Judenfrage.† (source)
- Our road always became her adversary.† (source)
- In his turn, he countered his adversary with intelligence and engineering skill.† (source)
- I don't let the thought of adversaries slow me down, though.† (source)
- It means 'adversary' ....God's adversary.† (source)
- The decisive factor is how you take apart your adversary's system.† (source)
- But if we leave now, we'll have two sets of adversaries after us.† (source)
- Adversaries were sometimes in T-shirts, eating watermelon or sharing a bottle of scotch.† (source)
- This was like no adversary he'd ever faced before.† (source)
- Clearly, the Count had underestimated his adversary.† (source)
- Typically a headon rush for the adversary will be made, with much snarling and growling.† (source)
- That's the moment Porterhouse lets his adversaries imagine for a second that they are his equals.† (source)
- I felt I was dealing fate a serious blow by engaging such a handsome adversary.† (source)
- The perfect creature to flush out our adversary.† (source)
- Alan wanted a less adversarial relationship, and was that too much to ask?† (source)
- Don't think of me as an adversary; think of me as a puzzle.† (source)
- It's frequently used to obscure duplicity, as well as to disarm an adversary.† (source)
- He was rusty—at least against an adversary like Chrysaor.† (source)
- It also tells us something about the character of our adversary.† (source)
- Our adversaries over the way, I know, have attempted to appropriate it.† (source)
- On the other hand, the predetermined adversary has no venial motive whatever.† (source)
- He thought wildly that some murderous adversary was breaking into the kitchen through the windows.† (source)
- He kicked its body aside and turned, looking wildly about for another nearby adversary.† (source)
- This, she thought, was a mind she respected, an adversary worth matching.† (source)
- They are worthy adversaries and our intelligence confirms that they fear and respect us.† (source)
- The overseas critics of fast food are far more diverse than America's old Soviet bloc adversaries.† (source)
- "Why do you use the word 'adversary'?" asked Jason.† (source)
- Publicly condemn an adversary whom one is trying to convince?† (source)
- That means our adversary is well organized.† (source)
- Until that very moment he had shown up strongly, a most formidable adversary.† (source)
- Adversaries and allies alike tended to underestimate Carter, a blunder Gabriel had never made.† (source)
- The maneuver surprised Myrmidon, and Max was able to seize hold of his adversary's sword arm.† (source)
- Jason and his former adversary from the alley in Macao walked along the dirt road.† (source)
- There was an unmistakable solemnity to the gesture—a farewell to a worthy adversary.† (source)
- Never forget, my fine old adversary, you are Russian.† (source)
- Adversaries of the Constitution attack this provision.† (source)
- He could smash any adversary in any form of encounter.† (source)
- He clutched a thick wooden baton while his final adversaries surrounded him.† (source)
- He had to be the Ice-Cold Ogilvie his legal adversaries feared.† (source)
- He stared at Myrmidon, reconsidering every detail of his adversary's weapon, armor, and stance.† (source)
- Adversaries of the Constitution question whether this is proper.† (source)
- Friends and adversaries of the Constitution agree that trial by jury is valuable.† (source)
- Adversaries represent it as the only safeguard.† (source)
- These are deadly adversaries of republican government.† (source)
- I required always the hostility of the announced enemy, the devout and certified adversary.† (source)
- A great teacher is my adversary, my conqueror, commissioned to chastise me.† (source)
- Finnick goes back to Snow's political ascension, which I know nothing of, and works his way up to the present, pointing out case after case of the mysterious deaths of Snow's adversaries or, even worse, his allies who had the potential to become threats.† (source)
- But while the adversaries forgot the war to remember things of the past, Ursula had the gloomy feeling that her son was an intruder.† (source)
- And, for the first time, it was not an adversary's face Laila saw but a face of grievances unspoken, burdens gone unprotested, a destiny submitted to and endured.† (source)
- He replaced Mr. Early as the faculty adviser to The Grave; Mr. White made himself the faculty adviser—and so The Voice was presented with a more adversarial censor than Owen had ever faced in Mr. Early.† (source)
- We looked at the full array of what we could do to affect our adversary's environment—political, military, economic, societal, cultural, institutional.† (source)
- Because, in fact, at some point, we're going to have to knock it off and accept we're bitter adversaries.† (source)
- She said it from her heart, understanding that she could not eat another mouthful either, out of remorse for bringing on the death of her adversary.† (source)
- Contrary to what he had imagined, even contrary to what she herself had imagined, she did not withdraw her hand or let it lie inert where he placed it, but instead she commended herself body and soul to the Blessed Virgin, clenched her teeth for fear she would laugh out loud at her own madness, and began to identify her rearing adversary by touch, discovering its size, the strength of its shaft, the extension of its wings, amazed by its determination but pitying its solitude, making it her own with a detailed curiosity that someone less experienced than her husband might have confused with caresses.† (source)
- The priest whom the Illuminati had inadvertently brought to power by killing the Pope had emerged as a worthy adversary.† (source)
- Defendants who are deemed incompetent can't be tried in adversarial criminal proceedings—meaning that the State can't prosecute them unless they become well enough to defend themselves.† (source)
- My adversary lay coiled and waiting, growing stronger every day on the magical fumes of the Delphic caverns.† (source)
- I learned why it is essential in the endgame to have foresight, a mathematical understanding of all possible moves, and patience; all weaknesses and advantages become evident to a strong adversary and are obscured to a tiring opponent.† (source)
- Unfortunately, if a messenger suspected the letter might contain valuable information, he could make far more money selling the information to adversaries than he could delivering the letter properly.† (source)
- There is only circumstantial evidence that Personnel $2222 contacted Adversaries regarding location of Witness $599-6.† (source)
- It was an impossible game of catch-up against an adversary that only needed one hole to remain open among literally millions that an organization had to continually fix.† (source)
- The real problem was that, to contain the terrifying danger of nuclear weapons, the politicians and military had built statecraft, and rules of engagement, based on deterrence against known adversaries.† (source)
- I'm betting many of the other tributes would pass up a smaller girl, even one who scored an eleven in training, to take out their more fierce adversaries.† (source)
- The old man's obstinacy seemed natural to them, not because, as it was too easy to say, old age had made him less visionary than he had always been, but because renouncing the monopoly must have seemed to him like throwing away the victories of a historic battle that he and his brothers had waged unaided, back in heroic times, against powerful adversaries from all over the world.† (source)
- I learned about the middle game and why tactics between two adversaries are like clashing ideas; the one who plays better has the clearest plans for both attacking and getting out of traps.† (source)
- The rumors of satanic black-magic animal sacrifices and the pentagram ritual were nothing but lies spread by the church as a smear campaign against their adversaries.† (source)
- But in the judgment of colleagues and of some adversaries, his will to win was unsurpassed and he was often masterful.† (source)
- Intelligent, pleasant, ruddy-faced, a man who liked to eat and watch cockfights, he had been at one time the most feared adversary of Colonel Aureliano Buendia.† (source)
- In war game parlance, the United States and its allies are always known as Blue Team, and the enemy is always known as Red Team, and JFCOM generated comprehensive portfolios for each team, covering everything they would be expected to know about their own forces and their adversary's forces.† (source)
- Note that Personnel $2222 directed Post-Termination activity with efficiency and dispatch as follows: (a) Pursuit and confirmation of Witness $599-6 termination by Adversaries; (b) removal of affiliate's remains from scene; (c) transfer of Subject A to confinement facilities.† (source)
- He seemed more enthusiastic, more vital than his imperturbable adversary, who possessed a style that was obviously more professional, but at the same time less emotional for the large crowd that filled the house.† (source)
- Blue Team's commanders were also given a tool called Effects-Based Operations, which directed them to think beyond the conventional military method of targeting and destroying an adversary's military assets.† (source)
- Langdon quickly explained how most people pictured satanic cults as devil-worshiping fiends, and yet Satanists historically were educated men who stood as adversaries to the church.† (source)
- But the emotion the Bishop felt upon opening the door to his office was almost certainly that of shock—for the adversary that he had left in the attic just minutes before was now sitting behind the manager's desk with a pistol in his hand.† (source)
- If they had been paying any attention to their adversary in that moment before contact, they might have noticed that he shifted his weight to lower his centre of gravity.† (source)
- And now, as she slips beneath the bedcovers, this once haughty figure offers a smile suggestive of patience, tenderness, even gratitude—traits that are mirrored almost exactly in the smile of her former adversary as he hangs the white jacket of the Boyarsky on the back of a chair and begins to unbutton his shirt!† (source)
- On a certain occasion when Father Nicanor brought a checker set to the chestnut tree and invited him to a game, Jose Arcadio Buendia would not accept, because according to him he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries have agreed upon the rules.† (source)
- Then she began to laugh with her lips tight together, without giving up the fight, but defending herself with false bites and deweaseling her body little by little until they both were conscious of being adversaries and accomplices at the same time and the affray degenerated into a conventional gambol and the attacks became caresses.† (source)
- I call it Andskoti, the Adversary.† (source)
- Four muscled arms, each thicker than an ogre's, began to shake and snatch at the air as though grasping and throttling an imaginary adversary.† (source)
- Rasmussen is well aware that you and David might become powerful adversaries should, the witches obtain your services.† (source)
- One thing was certain: if Ryan was indeed BoneMan as they now suspected, he was one twisted and very shrewd adversary.† (source)
- My protective Bureau believes I had a threatening call from an old adversary known to be a psychopath.† (source)
- Noticing Carter's frown, Archie decided to throw him a bone—Carter still ran the meetings and as Vigils president he could be a dangerous adversary.† (source)
- Cotton drew close to his adversary.† (source)
- The British saw no cause for haste in fulfilling any of the agreements with their poor, weak, former adversary.† (source)
- Up to this point he'd trusted that his adversary would know, but now that he'd taken this step and actually broken Welsh's bone, he dearly hoped BoneMan wouldn't let him down!† (source)
- His adversaries guessed his tactic and hung around Santa Anita hour after hour on the following Monday.† (source)
- No, what they had here was an American who was crazed and bold and perhaps even a worthy adversary, but not a killer.† (source)
- But there's a problem: Khrushchev is surprised to learn that his adversary, John Kennedy, is deadly serious about defending his country at all costs.† (source)
- And in our battle just concluded, you again proved yourself to be resourceful, courageous, and a more than worthy adversary.† (source)
- Then a third figure came aboard, and for the first time, the companions got to take a good look at their pursuer, their adversary, the man called the Winter King.† (source)
- When several creatures—men or animals—have worked together to overcome something offering resistance and have at last succeeded, there follows often a pause—as though they felt the propriety of paying respect to the adversary who has put up so good a fight.† (source)
- Salander listened attentively to the conversation between her lawyer and her adversary, a member of the police.† (source)
- Joe forced himself to continue looking into the pit, because he would need to go away from this place with a new strength that would make it possible for him to seek justice against all odds, regardless of the power of his adversaries.† (source)
- The jungle was not an adversary; instead it was his ally for it had protected him before, saved him before in those distant, disordered memories.† (source)
- Khrushchev tried to bully his younger adversary on the subject of West Berlin, hoping to take control of the entire city because more and more citizens of Soviet-controlled East Berlin were risking their lives in the name of freedom by escaping into the adjacent territory controlled by the United States and her World War II allies.† (source)
- The quickness of his gestures as he paid the seedy old man and began walking rapidly across the street was a warning to any adversary.† (source)
- Lillian was slipping, he thought-and he experienced the pleasure of dealing with an inadequate adversary.† (source)
- On the contrary—they were hackers and consequently implacable adversaries of those idiots who created viruses whose sole purpose was to sabotage the Net and crash computers.† (source)
- And thus I labor under no blind instinct to destroy you, but instead can admire you as a worthy adversary.† (source)
- On an even larger scale, Johnson asked Hoover to dig up information on some twelve hundred real or imagined adversaries.† (source)
- He was a remarkable adversary.† (source)
- In his peripheral vision, he saw his adversary do likewise, and a sudden, horrific thought occurred to him.† (source)
- You'll discover that you're going to have a number of adversaries out there—daily editors and veterans among the editors who have created their own little empires.† (source)
- She leaned forward, both forearms braced firmly against the counter, feeling calm and in tight control again, sensing a dangerous adversary.† (source)
- The slim white Atlas rocket blasted off without incident, proving that the United States was catching up in the space race, which was going strong, with the Soviet Union having just this week reached an agreement to share outer space research with America's cold war adversaries.† (source)
- He was waiting, watching, anticipating the moment when his adversary's eyelids might close for that brief instant or when the weapon might suddenly drop to the floor, or his enemy's head might recline for a second into the comfort of the back seat.† (source)
- A worthy adversary, indeed.† (source)
- He had come, prepared to reject the forgiveness she had granted him at the party, as one rejects a favor from too generous an adversary.† (source)
- Now, that may be legend and Menelaus' wife may have been a figment of a campfire storyteller's imagination, but the concept is valid — it's become a symbol of an enemy destroying his adversary from within.'† (source)
- But he would not pounce upon a fallen adversary—not even if this were the Demon himself trying his hand in the arena.† (source)
- They were worthy adversaries in a never-ending, essentially futile war in which only battles were won, the philosophical conflicts never resolved.† (source)
- The defiance toward an adversary who was the sternest of teachers, was all that Francisco had read in her face.† (source)
- To the spectators' delight, Myrmidon acknowledged his adversary's spirit and applauded with the flat of his sword.† (source)
- "Compared to similar departments in the governments of our adversaries," went on Carlos, "we here in Moscow have lagged far behind when we should be ahead, and we are behind because your talents have been suppressed by entrenched officeholders who care more for their office privileges than they do for the functions of their departments!"† (source)
- Believe, my old adversary.† (source)
- The zealous adversaries of the federal Constitution in New York are, in general, zealous admirers of our New York State constitution.† (source)
- It would appear for only an instant, but then— With freakish speed and control, Max shifted his weight and spun about on his heel and prepared to drive the spear beneath his adversary's outstretched arm.† (source)
- The contempt in Rearden's voice had a note of relief; he had been disarmed by a doubt of his judgment on the character of his adversary; now he felt certain once more.† (source)
- The marine sprang to his feet and, as his Oriental adversary ran up to him, he pounded a low left hook into the young man's kidney, and followed it with a well-aimed right fist into the Oriental face, pummelling his assailant back into the store-front while screaming in agony at the pain both blows caused his scalded hands.† (source)
- I must protest, my adversarial friend.† (source)
- But even rational adversaries of the proposed Constitution say that the federal government needs more power.† (source)
- Lillian shrugged angrily; among the women who were her friends, she would have been understood and stopped long ago; but this was an adversary new to her-a woman who refused to be hurt.† (source)
- He smiled, as if grasping a full confession of the meaning she attached to his name; the smile held an adversary's acceptance of a challenge-and an adult's amusement at the self-deception of a child.† (source)
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