accruein a sentence
Money in the bank account accrues interest.
accrues = grows by addition
Benefits accrue from the employee's first day on payroll.
accrue = come into possession
Interest is not accruing as fast as inflation is diminishing the buying power.
accruing = increasing
The house accrued to the oldest son.
accrued = came into possession
Wisdom accrued.
accrued = grew over time
I have a few years of leave accrued.
accrued = that has accumulated over time
- She would gather all of the accrued letters to her mother, stuff them into one envelope, and use just a tiny portion of the washing and ironing money to mail it.† (source)
- Besides, Switzerland has never particularly welcomed Iranians, thus accruing the magnetism that comes only with repeated rejection.† (source)
- But Yang wasn't a specialist in astrophysics, and Lei had taken the path of becoming a political officer, which prevented him from accruing in-depth technical know-how.† (source)
- I was sufficiently committed to going to Yale Law that I was willing to accept the two hundred thousand dollars or so in debt that I knew I'd accrue.† (source)
- He walked to the top of a rise and crouched and watched the day accrue.† (source)
- And I was not immune to the accruing virtue of the clean, richly colored swathes in front of the cleaning head.† (source)
show 68 more with this conextual meaning
- If you accrued 100,000 points, you got a shotgun.† (source)
- And if there's no ingress or egress—no valve through which may be vented the various pressures that accrue naturally in a closed temporal system—" She made a little pool!† (source)
- Lapses and failures could carelessly accrue over several days: a broom improperly stowed, a blanket folded with its label facing up, a starched collar in infinitesimal disarray, the bed castors not lined up and pointing inward, walking back down the ward empty-handed—all silently noted, until capacity was reached and then, if you had not read the signs, the wrath would come down as a shock.† (source)
- I couldn't help but think, as I watched him, of the barrels of toxic fluids that had accrued behind Hal's bike shop where the scrub lining the railroad tracks had offered local companies enough cover to dump a stray container or two.† (source)
- More importantly, Kassad would have accrued a time-debt of at least eighteen standard months and whatever controversy surrounded him might well be over by that time.† (source)
- Radchaai do have stringed instruments, quite a variety of them, in fact, accrued through several annexations, but playing them in public is considered a slightly risque act, because one has to play either bare-handed, or in gloves so thin as to be nearly pointless.† (source)
- He knew the praise was premature, but the banquet hinted at the greater glory that would accrue to him at fair's end, provided of course the exposition met the world's elaborate expectations.† (source)
- Little by little a force had accrued, as secret and silent as interest in a bank account.† (source)
- In dark London, rubbish accrued, uncollected, and underground stations were sealed.† (source)
- ....If I continue to accrue loyalties and allegiances at this pace, I'll be incapacitated before long-unable to do anything without breaking some oath!† (source)
- Vacations don't accrue until the second year.† (source)
- His accent was faintly British, the years in America having softened it, but without accruing any jarring American inflections.† (source)
- So far, I'd only accrued a few friends'her, Nate, Gervais, as well as Jamie, who sent me more messages than anyone'although I had lots of photos, including a couple Nate had sent of him at his new job, lifeguarding at a pool near his mom's house.† (source)
- Even though, as I have pointed out, he had known approximately two hundred women (plus the considerable lot that had accrued during his days as a window washer), he had yet to be faced with a woman who was taller than he was, squinted at him, and fingered his anus.† (source)
- The women's feet had swollen to fill the discarded men's shoes they wore, and they washed their arms at the well to dislodge dirt and splinters that had accrued to them as part of the day's pickings.† (source)
- The rest of the money the gang took in went to its members, starting with J. T. Here is the single line item in the gang's budget that made J. T. the happiest: NET MONTHLY PROFIT ACCRUING TO LEADER....$8,500† (source)
- It's been accruing while you've been away.† (source)
- Six weeks' accrued vacation.† (source)
- And they anticipated some of the flash and crowd-pleasing fervor that would accrue, not too many years later, to Elvis, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones.† (source)
- But each shift, and the dollars accruing in his Bank of America account, brought Mortenson closer to the day he could resume construction of the Korphe School.† (source)
- You needed your luck, and whatever benefits accrued to the diligent, through sheer, grinding hard work.† (source)
- And in kind there is a gradual and accruing recognition of one's face, of being, as far as anyone can recall, from around here.† (source)
- Only when we began to make cautious overtures to each other did any of the system's mystique accrue to us.† (source)
- He gestured toward the small heap of manuscript I had accrued in two local weeks of work.† (source)
- First there was the power that accrued to him naturally through his ability to bewitch men and women alike with false candor and warmth; second, the power of social approbation that he now focused upon her.† (source)
- No benefit will accrue.† (source)
- Mother figured that the accrued interest on the long-term accounts would be enough to pay off our family debt and perhaps allow me to survive comfortably for a while.† (source)
- Treeships rarely accrued more than a four-or five-month time-debt, making short, scenic crossings where star systems were a very few light-years apart, thus allowing their affluent passengers to spend as little time as necessary in fugue.† (source)
- For the most part, their armor protected them from cuts, but it did not protect them from lumps and bruises, of which they accrued many.† (source)
- And yet I did not think doubtfully of the doctor for long, as I convinced myself to hold a deeper faith in his judgments, which must, I knew, be informed by years of study and experience and the accrued knowledge of his line of noblemen and scholars.† (source)
- And though nearly every soul I've closely known has come to some dread or grave misfortune, I instead persist, with warmth and privilege accruing to me unabated, ever securing my good station here, the last place I will belong.† (source)
- I must wonder then, too, whether a man like me should be happy enough with the accrued comforts of his life, accepting the minor losses, or else seek out those persons who no matter how sharp their opinion or emotion at least know him in all his particulars.† (source)
- What earthly benefit can accrue from such a crime-even in the most diseased imagination?† (source)
- But above all other benefits accruing, I had learned something.† (source)
- is it of his inheritance, or by what means hath it accrued to him?† (source)
- Then there were other benefits accruing to Marija from this friendship—benefits of a more substantial nature.† (source)
- An understanding of what such domination would mean, and of the disadvantages accruing from her rejection of it, was brought home to Lily with increasing clearness during the early weeks of the winter.† (source)
- For decidedly at times, and especially since this latest crisis had developed, his manner, because of Sondra and the Griffiths and what he felt to be the fatal effect of all this on his dreams here, was sufficient to make plain that love was decidedly dead, and that he was not thinking nearly so much of the meaning of her state to her, as he was of its import to him, the injury that was most certain to accrue to him.† (source)
- If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?† (source)
- 'property'—accrue—demise!† (source)
- 'Why, then you may rouse my indignation or wound my pride,' rejoined Nicholas; 'but you will not break my rest; for if the scene were acted over again, I could take no other part than I have taken; and whatever consequences may accrue to myself from it, I shall never regret doing as I have done—never, if I starve or beg in consequence.† (source)
- I began to grow melancholy and restless; continually prying into my mind, to discover which of its poor properties were gone, and what degree of detriment had already accrued to the remainder.† (source)
- Instances have been known of young people passing many, many months successively, without being at any ball of any description, and no material injury accrue either to body or mind;—but when a beginning is made—when the felicities of rapid motion have once been, though slightly, felt—it must be a very heavy set that does not ask for more.† (source)
- This patriarch now presented himself before Hepzibah, clad in an old blue coat, which had a fashionable air, and must have accrued to him from the cast-off wardrobe of some dashing clerk.† (source)
- He himself carefully scanned each face, appraising the possibilities of establishing intimacy with each of those present, and the advantages that might accrue.† (source)
- shown them to their satisfaction that the sum which she was empowered to offer was all her husband's available capital, and having convinced them that Colonel Crawley would prefer a perpetual retirement on the Continent to a residence in this country with his debts unsettled; having proved to them that there was no possibility of money accruing to him from other quarters, and no earthly chance of their getting a larger dividend than that which she was empowered to offer, she brought the Colonel's creditors unanimously to accept her proposals, and purchased with fifteen hundred pounds of ready money more than ten times that amount of debts.† (source)
- What I want is, that you should write to your sisters and tell them of the fortune that has accrued to them.† (source)
- The nation is lulled by the temporary prosperity which accrues to it, until it is roused to a sense of its own misery.† (source)
- In aristocratic countries the great possess immense privileges, upon which their pride rests, without seeking to rely upon the lesser advantages which accrue to them.† (source)
- —if, I say, parents and masters would leave their children alone a little more, small harm would accrue, although a less quantity of as in praesenti might be acquired.† (source)
- When governments appear to be so strong, and laws so stable, men do not perceive the dangers which may accrue from a union of Church and State.† (source)
- —As to my own concern with any report of such a nature, I distinctly affirm that I never made any statement to the effect that your son had borrowed money on any property that might accrue to him on Mr. Featherstone's demise—bless my heart!† (source)
- In absolute governments no utility can accrue from the introduction of extraordinary forms of procedure; the prince in whose name an offender is prosecuted is as much the sovereign of the courts of justice as of everything else, and the idea which is entertained of his power is of itself a sufficient security.† (source)
- On being informed of the invitation, Mrs. Dashwood, persuaded that such an excursion would be productive of much amusement to both her daughters, and perceiving through all her affectionate attention to herself, how much the heart of Marianne was in it, would not hear of their declining the offer upon HER account; insisted on their both accepting it directly; and then began to foresee, with her usual cheerfulness, a variety of advantages that would accrue to them all, from this separation.† (source)
- It went on and on, finally stating that if he died she was to receive "all proceeds" accruing to the company, "both gross and net."† (source)
- Pale, silent, stern, what could I say to that long-accrued retribution?† (source)
Now I will do nothing but listen,
To accrue what I hear into this song, to let sounds contribute toward it.† (source)
Of your real body and any man's or woman's real body,
Item for item it will elude the hands of the corpse-cleaners and
pass to fitting spheres,
Carrying what has accrued to it from the moment of birth to the
moment of death.† (source)
Pass—then rattle drums again,
For an army heaves in sight, O another gathering army,
Swarming, trailing on the rear, O you dread accruing army,
O you regiments so piteous, with your mortal diarrhoea, with your fever,
O my land's maim'd darlings, with the plenteous bloody bandage and
the crutch,
Lo, your pallid army follows.† (source)
I believe that was not the end of those nations or any person of
them, any more than this shall be the end of my nation, or of me;
Of their languages, governments, marriage, literature, products,
games, wars, manners, crimes, prisons, slaves, heroes, poets,
I suspect their results curiously await in the yet unseen world,
counterparts of what accrued to them in the seen world,
I suspect I shall meet them there,
I suspect I shall there find each old particular of those unnamed lands.† (source)
- The injury which he must thus do to Mr Western, and the concern which would accrue to Mr Allworthy, were circumstances that tormented him all day, and haunted him on his pillow at night.† (source)
- "What?" replied Samson; "why, as soon as he has found the history which he is now searching for with extraordinary diligence, he will at once give it to the press, moved more by the profit that may accrue to him from doing so than by any thought of praise."† (source)
- Another advantage accruing from this ingredient in the constitution of the Senate is, the additional impediment it must prove against improper acts of legislation.† (source)
- In short, not to keep the reader in long suspense, just at the very instant when his heart was exulting in meditations on the happiness which would accrue to him by Mr Allworthy's death, he himself—died of an apoplexy.† (source)
- Mrs Western, on her first arrival at her brother's lodging, began to set forth the great honours and advantages which would accrue to the family by the match with Lord Fellamar, which her niece had absolutely refused; in which refusal, when the squire took the part of his daughter, she fell immediately into the most violent passion, and so irritated and provoked the squire, that neither his patience nor his prudence could bear it any longer; upon which there ensued between them both so warm a bout at altercation, that perhaps the regions of Billingsgate never equalled it.† (source)
- The difficulty therefore which he apprehended there might be in corrupting this young wench, and the danger which would accrue to his character on the discovery, were such strong dissuasives, that it is probable he at first intended to have contented himself with the pleasing ideas which the sight of beauty furnishes us with.† (source)
If that Man, or Assembly, that hath the Soveraign Power, disclaime any Right essentiall to the Soveraignty, whereby there accrueth to the Subject, any liberty inconsistent with the Soveraign Power, that is to say, with the very being of a Common-wealth, if the Subject shall refuse to obey the Command in any thing, contrary to the liberty granted, this is neverthelesse a Sinne, and contrary to the duty of the Subject: for he ought to take notice of what is inconsistent with the…
accrueth = increases over timestandard suffix: Today, the suffix "-th" is replaced by "-s", so that where they said "She accrueth" in older English, today we say "She accrues."
And then the Law of Nature hath provided this sufficient rule, That the Tuition shall be in him, that hath by Nature most interest in the preservation of the Authority of the Infant, and to whom least benefit can accrue by his death, or diminution.
accrue = gather
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