Both Uses of
Hiroshima, by John Hersey
- DO NOT BELIEVE HE IS RED OR RED-SYMPATHIZER, BUT HE CAN EASILY BECOME SOURCE OF MISCHIEVOUS PUBLICITY By diplomatic pouch: SECRET The Reverend Tanimoto is pictured as one who appears to be anti-Communist and probably sincere in his efforts to assist the girls.†
Chpt 5communist = someone who supports an economic system that abolishes private ownership of property with the goal of a classless society
- In 1964, a deeper division came about, when Communist infiltration of Gensuikyo caused the Socialists and the trade unions to pull out and form Gensuikin, the Japan Congress against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs.†
Chpt 5 *
an economic system that abolishes private ownership of property with the goal of a classless society