All 4 Uses of
Howards End
- Trudging on a few steps, he stopped again, looked furtively at the dusk, turned back, wrenched a chrysanthemum from the sheaf, and hid it in his pocket.†
Part 11furtively = while taking pains to avoid being observed; or in a nervous manner (as though hoping not to be seen)
- Leonard, though furtive, was untidy, and left it lying about.
Part 14 *furtive = secretive (takes pains to avoid being observed)
- Henry's inner life had long laid open to her—his intellectual confusion, his obtuseness to personal influence, his strong but furtive passions.†
Part 28
- "Cuckoo," came furtively from the cliff of pine-trees.†
Part 33furtively = while taking pains to avoid being observed; or in a nervous manner (as though hoping not to be seen)
taking pains to avoid being observed
in a manner indicating nervousness (being cautious or appearing suspicious)
in a manner indicating nervousness (being cautious or appearing suspicious)