All 42 Uses of
The Idiot
- She is connected with one Totski, Afanasy Ivanovitch, a man of considerable property, a director of companies, and so on, and a great friend of General Epanchin, who is interested in the same matters as he is.†
Chpt 1.1 *director = someone (or one of a group) who is in charge of an organization or project -- sometimes someone in charge of making a film or other performancestandard suffix: The suffix "-or" often converts a verb to a noun that means "a person who." This is the pattern you see in words like actor, editor, and visitor.
- I am come direct from Switzerland.†
Chpt 1.3direct = straight (without anything in between)
- "They will lose all respect if they are allowed to be so free and easy; besides it is not proper for them," he declared at last, in answer to a direct question from the prince.†
Chpt 2.6direct = straightforward (specific and clear)
- Don't be afraid; I shall go away directly.†
Chpt 3.2directly = immediately; or as soon as
- I will go away directly; but I know I am afflicted.†
Chpt 3.2
- I'm going away directly, I really am—don't be afraid.†
Chpt 3.2
- Yes, directly; I'll go away directly.†
Chpt 3.7
- All Varvara's efforts were directed towards bringing Aglaya and Gania together.†
Chpt 4.1 *directed = aimed or focused
- However, he there luckily met Colia, and commissioned him to deliver the letter to his brother as if direct from Aglaya.†
Chpt 4.6 *direct = straight (without anything in between)
- Lizabetha Prokofievna had announced, directly after lunch, that they would all take a walk together.†
Chpt 4.8 *directly = immediately
- He gave full, satisfactory, and direct evidence on every point; and the prince's name was, thanks to this, not brought into the proceedings.†
Chpt 4.12 *direct = clear, straightforward, or to the point
- I may remark that he had not once taken any notice of the blotchy-faced passenger, and had hitherto addressed all his remarks direct to the prince.†
Chpt 1.1 *
- The secretary will be out directly-that is, unless you—yes, that's the rub—unless you—come, you must allow me to ask you—you've not come to beg, have you?†
Chpt 1.2
- They'll bring in lunch directly, prince; you must stop and have some, but you must excuse me.†
Chpt 1.5
- You'll see, he'll begin directly and tell us all about it beautifully.†
Chpt 1.5
- I'll bring it you directly.†
Chpt 1.8
- The maid shall bring your bed-linen directly.†
Chpt 1.8
- In fact, the door opened directly, and the footman in formed the visitors that the family were all away.†
Chpt 1.12
- Will you go directly?†
Chpt 1.12
- I mean to get something to do directly, and earn money.†
Chpt 1.12
- All right—he'll come to directly—he must have the packet or he'll cut his throat afterwards.†
Chpt 1.16
- She came to me directly she arrived—'Save me, Lukian!†
Chpt 2.2
- Sit down; they'll bring you some dinner directly.†
Chpt 2.3
- This went on for thirty years without a break; there was barely time to change the table-cloth; directly one person left, another took his place.†
Chpt 2.6
- The movement is, properly speaking, a derivative from Nihilism—though they are only known indirectly, and by hearsay, for they never advertise their doings in the papers.†
Chpt 2.7indirectly = done in a way that is not the shortest or quickeststandard prefix: The prefix "in-" in indirectly means not and reverses the meaning of directly. This is the same pattern you see in words like invisible, incomplete, and insecure.
- "No, no, read it—read it at once directly, and aloud, aloud!" cried she, calling Colia to her and giving him the journal.†
Chpt 2.8
- She is so beautiful that I recognized her directly, although I had never seen her before.†
Chpt 2.9
- Indirectly, quite indirectly!†
Chpt 2.11indirectly = done in a way that is not the shortest or quickeststandard prefix: The prefix "in-" in indirectly means not and reverses the meaning of directly. This is the same pattern you see in words like invisible, incomplete, and insecure.
- Indirectly, quite indirectly!†
Chpt 2.11
- —I'll come back directly, gentlemen,—sit down there with the others, please,—excuse me one moment," said the host, getting away with difficulty in order to follow Evgenie.†
Chpt 3.4
- "I don't want you to suspect that I have simply come here to deceive you and pump information out of you!" said Evgenie, still smiling, and without making any direct reply to the question.†
Chpt 3.4
- There must have been an idea more powerful than all the calamities and sorrows of this world, famine or torture, leprosy or plague—an idea which entered into the heart, directed and enlarged the springs of life, and made even that hell supportable to humanity!†
Chpt 3.4
- You shall hear all this directly, gentlemen.†
Chpt 3.5
- Yes, directly; I'll go away directly.†
Chpt 3.7
- Directly, directly!†
Chpt 3.7
- Directly, directly!†
Chpt 3.7
- Directly!†
Chpt 3.7
- I'll lie down directly.†
Chpt 3.7
- I dare say Lebedeff will be coming in here directly; he has been looking for you; I don't know what he wants.†
Chpt 3.9
- Take a glass of water, or—but they'll give you some tea directly.†
Chpt 4.5
- Just wait and think it all over, and I'll come back directly," he said hurriedly, and made off with what looked like the rapidity of alarm in response to Alexandra's call.†
Chpt 4.5
- I'll go down myself directly.†
Chpt 4.5
(direct as in: depart directly) without delay, or in the quickest manner, or without going somewhere else firstYou may see the term direct flight used in a technical manner that is not as quick as a non-stop flight. In technical usage, a direct flight from Los Angeles to New York could stop at a city on the way, but you would not get off the plane during the stop.
(direct as in: directly above; or buy direct from) straight (exactly where stated); or without involvement of anything in betweenThe exact meaning of this sense of direct is subject to its context. For example:
- "The road runs directly to Las Vegas." -- straight (without varying from a straight line)
- "It was a direct hit." -- exact
- "The plant is in direct sunlight." -- unobstructed (without anything in between)
- "She wants a direct meeting with him." -- personal (without other people in between)
- "She paid direct attention to what he was reading." -- close
- "a direct gaze" -- straight, steady, or focused--not a brief glance taken while generally looking at other things; not a sideways look
(direct as in: was direct in my instructions) straightforward (uncomplicated or simple -- perhaps also indicating openness and honesty, or little concern for others' feelings)
(direct as in: directed her question to) to indicate direction; or to cause movement or focus in a direction or towards an objectThe exact meaning of this sense of direct is subject to its context. For example:
- "intentionally directed fire at unarmed civilians" -- aimed a gun
- "directed the question to her" -- aimed a question
- "directed her north" -- pointed in a particular direction
- "directed attention to the 3rd paragraph" -- focused attention on a particular object
- "The sound of her voice directed him to the kitchen." -- guided or gave directions to someone to help them move to a particular place
- "She directed him to the airport." -- gave directions to send someone to a particular place
- "She directed the boat north." -- steered it
- "directed the letter to" -- send a letter to a particular person by putting a name and address on it
(direct as in: directed the jury to...) give instructions or commands
(direct as in: directed the movie) supervise, control, or to be in charge of
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Direct can take on many specialized meanings not included in this dictionary.As an adjective or adverb, most all senses of direct involve an uninterrupted connection and/or clarity (clear, unambiguous communication) as in:
- direct action
- direct descendant
- direct line (with regard to genealogy)
- direct deposit
- direct object
- direct kick
- direct cost
- direct investment
- direct elections
- direct current
As a verb, most all of the senses of direct involve giving orders or aiming.