All 14 Uses of
The Idiot
- It's all humbug; the young merchant was pleased to indulge in a little innocent recreation!†
Chpt 1.3indulge = enjoy to excess
- I have no right to ask your help, and I dare not allow myself to indulge in any hopes; but once you said just one word, and that word lighted up the night of my life, and became the beacon of my days.†
Chpt 1.7
- I dare not indulge in any hope, because I am unworthy of it.†
Chpt 1.7
- The general had once belonged to a very select circle of society, but he had been turned out of it two or three years since on account of certain weaknesses, in which he now indulged with all the less restraint; but his good manners remained with him to this day, in spite of all.†
Chpt 1.9indulged = enjoyed to excess
- I don't know whether there was anything—I mean I don't know whether he could possibly have indulged in any hope.†
Chpt 1.14 *
- I don't know how it was that I ever could have indulged the whim of entering an honest family like his.†
Chpt 1.15
- Two more of Nastasia's guests, who walked a short distance together, indulged in high moral sentiments of a similar nature.†
Chpt 1.16
- 'You'd soon have thrown up all this rowdyism that you indulge in now, and you'd have settled down to quiet, steady money-making, because you have little education; and here you'd have stayed just like your father before you.†
Chpt 2.3indulge = enjoy to excess
- He caught himself, however, indulging in one thought which made him roar with laughter, though there was nothing really to laugh at in it; but he felt that he must laugh, and go on laughing.†
Chpt 3.3indulging = enjoying to excess
- So that my conclusion, that it is not worth while indulging in grief, or any other emotion, for a fortnight, has proved stronger than my very nature, and has taken over the direction of my feelings.†
Chpt 3.5
- I don't understand why people in my position do not oftener indulge in such ideas—if only for a joke!†
Chpt 3.7indulge = enjoy to excess
- I know well how the prince and others would like me, instead of indulging in all these wicked words of my own, to sing, to the glory and triumph of morality, that well-known verse of Gilbert's: "'O, puissent voir longtemps votre beaute sacree Tant d'amis, sourds a mes adieux!†
Chpt 3.7indulging = enjoying to excess
- "Oh, it was about the general," began the prince, waking abruptly from the fit of musing which he too had indulged in "and-and about the theft you told me of."†
Chpt 4.3indulged = enjoyed to excess
- She then rushed back to her mother and hid her face in the maternal bosom, and there indulged in more tears.†
Chpt 4.5
to give into a desire or enjoy something -- especially in excess of what is thought good--such as a desire to eat too much cake, or be too lazy
to allow or help someone to get their way or enjoy something -- especially something that (probably because of excess) is not considered to be good or proper
to allow or help someone to get their way or enjoy something -- especially something that (probably because of excess) is not considered to be good or proper