All 3 Uses of
The Idiot
- But when she had read it herself once more, it suddenly struck her that surely that conceited boy, Colia, had not been the one chosen correspondent of the prince all this while.†
Chpt 2.1 *conceited = excessively proud of oneself
- And yet you are as jealous and conceited as you can possibly be; you consider yourself a great genius; of this you are persuaded, although there are dark moments of doubt and rage, when even this fact seems uncertain.†
Chpt 4.2
- The general spoke with considerable confidence, and dragged his words out with a conceited drawl.†
Chpt 4.4
(conceit as in: confident, but not conceited) feelings of excessive pride
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Much less commonly and archaically, conceit can mean to conceive.