All 5 Uses of
The Idiot
- Ptitsin had tactfully retreated to Lebedeff's wing; and Gania soon followed him.†
Chpt 2.6 *tactfully = in a manner that makes others feel good
- Believe me, he would betray himself before five days were out; he would burst into tears, and make a clean breast of the matter; especially if managed with tact, and if you and his family watched his every step, so to speak.†
Chpt 3.9tact = the ability or act of saying or handling things in such a way that others feel good about them
- How delightful, how tactful that will be!†
Chpt 4.6tactful = to say or handle things in a way that makes others feel good about them
- The Epanchins liked to draft among their more elevated guests a few picked representatives of this lower stratum, and Lizabetha Prokofievna received much praise for this practice, which proved, her friends said, that she was a woman of tact.†
Chpt 4.6tact = the ability or act of saying or handling things in such a way that others feel good about them
- It was so unlike his usual timid self-constraint; so inconsistent with his usual taste and tact, and with his instinctive feeling for the higher proprieties.†
Chpt 4.7