All 14 Uses of
The Idiot
- His bewilderment and his alarmed perplexity passed off, however, and his lips now twitched with rage as he continued to stare evilly at his laughing guest, while his countenance became absolutely livid.†
Chpt 1.9 *perplexity = confusion due to complexity
- "You will not deny, I am sure," said Gavrila Ardalionovitch, turning to Burdovsky, who sat looking at him with wide-open eyes, perplexed and astonished.†
Chpt 2.9perplexed = confused or puzzled
- "It is time for me to go," he said, glancing round in perplexity.†
Chpt 2.10perplexity = confusion due to complexity
- Other things also troubled and perplexed him, and one of these grew more important in his eyes as the days went by.†
Chpt 2.11perplexed = confused or puzzled
- "I am, of course, quite ready to add my efforts to yours in such a case," said the prince, rising; "but I confess, Lebedeff, that I am terribly perplexed.†
Chpt 3.9
- He stood in the middle of the room in perplexity.†
Chpt 3.10perplexity = confusion due to complexity
- Colia looked worried and perplexed.†
Chpt 4.2perplexed = confused or puzzled
- What perplexed and disturbed him as much as anything was that his father had entirely given up drinking during the last few days.†
Chpt 4.2
- All present realized that the moment for the settlement of perplexities had arrived.†
Chpt 4.5perplexities = things that confuse
- Muishkin glanced at Rogojin in perplexity, but the latter only smiled disagreeably, and said nothing.†
Chpt 4.8perplexity = confusion due to complexity
- Evgenie meanwhile observed him attentively, and the rapidity of the questions, their simplicity, the prince's candour, and at the same time, his evident perplexity and mental agitation, surprised him considerably.†
Chpt 4.9
- Thanks to the manner in which he regarded Nastasia's mental and moral condition, the prince was to some extent freed from other perplexities.†
Chpt 4.10perplexities = things that confuse
- The prince started and looked at her in perplexity; he seemed to be collecting his senses for a minute or so, before he could remember where he was.†
Chpt 4.10perplexity = confusion due to complexity
- The latter took them, with a sort of perplexity.†
Chpt 4.11
to confuse