All 3 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- Raskolnikov smiled sarcastically, Razumihin fidgeted, but Pyotr Petrovitch did not accept the reproof; on the contrary, at every word he became more persistent and irritable, as though he relished it.†
Chpt 4.2fidgeted = made small restless movements
- "Please don't disturb yourself," he began fidgeting from place to place and fussily making Raskolnikov sit down.†
Chpt 4.5 *fidgeting = making small restless movements
- Be a good girl, Lida, and, Kolya, don't fidget with your feet; sit like a little gentleman.†
Chpt 5.2
(fidget) to make small restless movements
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Much more rarely (and usually in older literature), fidgets can reference a condition of restlessness irrespective of movements.