All 5 Uses of
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Please you, repeat their names; I'll show my mind According to my shallow simple skill.
Scene 1.2 *according to = as stated by; or in agreement with
- Why, this it is: my heart accords thereto, And yet a thousand times it answers 'no.'†
Scene 1.3 *accords = agreements
- Welcome him, then, according to his worth.†
Scene 2.4according to = as stated by; or in agreement with
- Is your countryman, According to our proclamation, gone?†
Scene 3.2
- According to your ladyship's impose, I am thus early come to know what service It is your pleasure to command me in.†
Scene 4.3
(accord as in: according to, or in accord with) in keeping with; or in agreement/harmony/unity withThis meaning of accord is often seen in the form according to or accordingly where it can take on more specific meanings. For example:
- "According to Kim, ..." -- as stated by
- "To each according to her ability." -- based upon
- "Points are scored according to how well they perform." -- depending upon
- "The dose is calculated according to body weight." -- in proportion to
- "We got a flat tire. Accordingly, I pulled to the side of the road." -- because of what was just said; or as a result
(accord as in: reached an accord) an agreementIn this sense, accord can refer to a formal agreement (such as one written between two countries) or an informal agreement (such as an unvoiced consensus about what should be done).
(accord as in: done of her own accord) mindThis sense of accord is typically seen in the form own accord or one accord.
(accord as in: accord her the respect deserved) to give someone special treatment -- especially respect
- (5) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)