All 8 Uses of
The Tempest
- Dost thou forget From what a torment I did free thee?†
Scene 1.2torment = to cause or to experience great mental or physical suffering
- Thou best know'st What torment I did find thee in; thy groans Did make wolves howl, and penetrate the breasts Of ever-angry bears: it was a torment To lay upon the damn'd, which Sycorax Could not again undo; it was mine art, When I arriv'd and heard thee, that made gape The pine, and let thee out.†
Scene 1.2
- Thou best know'st What torment I did find thee in; thy groans Did make wolves howl, and penetrate the breasts Of ever-angry bears: it was a torment To lay upon the damn'd, which Sycorax Could not again undo; it was mine art, When I arriv'd and heard thee, that made gape The pine, and let thee out.†
Scene 1.2
- Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me For bringing wood in slowly.†
Scene 2.2
- Do not torment me:
Scene 2.2 *torment = cause great mental or physical suffering
- The spirit torments me: O!†
Scene 2.2torments = causes great mental or physical suffering
- Do not torment me, prithee; I'll bring my wood home faster.†
Scene 2.2torment = to cause or to experience great mental or physical suffering
- All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement Inhabits here.†
Scene 5.1