All 3 Uses of
Othello, the Moor of Venice
- she forsook so many noble matches, Her father, and her country, and her friends,
Scene 4.2 *forsook = abandoned or gave up on
- My mother had a maid call'd Barbara; She was in love; and he she lov'd prov'd mad And did forsake her: she had a song of "willow"; An old thing 'twas, but it express'd her fortune, And she died singing it: that song to-night Will not go from my mind; I have much to do But to go hang my head all at one side, And sing it like poor Barbara.†
Scene 4.3forsake = abandon or give up on
- You must forsake this room, and go with us: Your power and your command is taken off, And Cassio rules in Cyprus.†
Scene 5.2
to abandon or give up on -- such as someone who needs you, or an idea, or a place