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Ptolemaic System
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  • I've got about five hundred, but I haven't got Agrippa or Ptolemy.†   (source)
  • Katherine's head now filled with distant names like Ptolemy, Pythagoras, and Hermes Trismegistus.†   (source)
  • It's basically a thank-you letter from some priests to King Ptolemy V. When it was first carved, the stone was no big deal.†   (source)
  • Ptolemy called it apolutrosis— the same word used when slaves were legally freed.†   (source)
  • The shapes differ so much they seem to be translations—by Ptolemy, Mercator, Francois Valentyn, Mortier, and Heydt—growing from mythic shapes into eventual accuracy.†   (source)
  • He set up his general Ptolemy as the new pharaoh, and founded a line of Greek kings to rule over Egypt.†   (source)
  • Copernicus will be routed by Ptolemy.†   (source)
  • Either Ptolemy and the scholastics are right, and the world is finite in time and space, which means that God is transcendent and the polarity of God and world is maintained, so that man, too, leads a dualistic existence, and the problem of his soul rests in the conflict between what his senses register and what transcends his senses, making all social issues entirely secondary—this is indeed the only form of individualism that I recognize as logically consistent.†   (source)
  • Its construction was continued by Darius the Great, son of Hystaspes, and probably completed by King Ptolemy II.†   (source)
  • As Ptolemy Philopater testified of the African elephant, I then testified of the whale, pronouncing him the most devout of all beings.†   (source)
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show 14 more examples with any meaning
  • Read Tacitus and Ptolemy, even Giraldus Cambrensis.†   (source)
  • Of alle men most blessed may he be,
    The wise astrologer Dan* Ptolemy, *Lord
    That saith this proverb in his Almagest:<13>
    'Of alle men his wisdom is highest,
    That recketh not who hath the world in hand.†   (source)
  • From Alexandria This is the news:—he fishes, drinks, and wastes The lamps of night in revel: is not more manlike Than Cleopatra;, nor the queen of Ptolemy More womanly than he: hardly gave audience, or Vouchsaf'd to think he had partners: you shall find there A man who is the abstract of all faults That all men follow.†   (source)
  • learned men of the Jews, sent for by Ptolemy King of Egypt, to translate the Jewish Law, out of the Hebrew into the Greek, have left us no other for holy Scripture in the Greek tongue, but the same that are received in the Church of England.†   (source)
  • [3] The third ring of ice, named for that Ptolemy of Jericho who slew his father-in-law, the high-priest Simon, and his sons (1 Maccabees wi†   (source)
  • What mind, that is not wholly barbarous and uncultured, can find pleasure in reading of how a great tower full of knights sails away across the sea like a ship with a fair wind, and will be to-night in Lombardy and to-morrow morning in the land of Prester John of the Indies, or some other that Ptolemy never described nor Marco Polo saw?†   (source)
  • His sons he there proclaim'd the kings of kings: Great Media, Parthia, and Armenia, He gave to Alexander; to Ptolemy he assign'd Syria, Cilicia, and Phoenicia: she In the habiliments of the goddess Isis That day appear'd; and oft before gave audience, As 'tis reported, so.†   (source)
  • The lord, the lady, and each man, save the frere,
    Saide, that Jankin spake in this mattere
    As well as Euclid, or as Ptolemy.†   (source)
  • Here I saw both Socrates and Plato, who before the others stand nearest to him; Democritus, who ascribes the world to chance; Diogenes, Anaxagoras, and Thales, Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Zeno; and I saw the good collector of the qualities, Dioscorides, I mean; and I saw Orpheus, Tully, and Linus, and moral Seneca, Euclid the geometer, and Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen, and Averrhoes, who made the great comment.†   (source)
  • But from that time forward they were accounted the Law of the Jews, and for such translated into Greek by Seventy Elders of Judaea, and put into the Library of Ptolemy at Alexandria, and approved for the Word of God.†   (source)
  • "Very far," said Don Quixote, "for of the three hundred and sixty degrees that this terraqueous globe contains, as computed by Ptolemy, the greatest cosmographer known, we shall have travelled one-half when we come to the line I spoke of."†   (source)
  • Let's grant it is not Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy; To give a kingdom for a mirth; to sit And keep the turn of tippling with a slave; To reel the streets at noon, and stand the buffet With knaves that smell of sweat: say this becomes him,— As his composure must be rare indeed Whom these things cannot blemish,—yet must Antony No way excuse his foils when we do bear So great weight in his lightness.†   (source)
  • Don Quixote laughed at the interpretation Sancho put upon "computed," and the name of the cosmographer Ptolemy, and said he, "Thou must know, Sancho, that with the Spaniards and those who embark at Cadiz for the East Indies, one of the signs they have to show them when they have passed the equinoctial line I told thee of, is, that the lice die upon everybody on board the ship, and not a single one is left, or to be found in the whole vessel if they gave its weight in gold for it; so, Sancho, thou mayest as well pass thy hand down thy thigh, and if thou comest upon anything alive we shall be no longer in doubt; if not, then we have crossed."†   (source)
  • *that tun*
    Beware of it, ere thou too nigh approach,
    For I shall tell examples more than ten:
    Whoso will not beware by other men,
    By him shall other men corrected be:
    These same wordes writeth Ptolemy;
    Read in his Almagest, and take it there.†   (source)
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