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  • Number 51: Separation of Powers: Checks and Balances   (source)
  • Checks and balances.†   (source)
  • John Quincy did not comprehend, after a lifetime in the thick of it, how our complicated Federal system of checks and balances operated; nor did he realize that what he regarded as Jefferson's "machinations" was merely a facet of the latter's genius applied with success to the art and science of Government.†   (source)
  • Thomas Jefferson spoke of a free press as being part of the U.S. system of checks and balances.
  • The fundamental threat to freedom is the power to force people to do things they do not want to do. The threat is not removed by good intentions, but it is mitigated by dispersing power with a system of checks and balances.
  • Even after I left Evergreen I'd have what she called "a system of checks and balances"group therapy once a week and therapy with my parents as well as without them, for at least the next year -to make sure I didn't get in over my head again.†   (source)
  • "Checks and balances, Jefferson, however you and your party may have ridiculed them, are our only security," he wrote in another letter.†   (source)
  • To a considerable extent the book was an expanded, more erudite rendition of the case for checks and balances in government that he had championed in his Thoughts on Government, and later put into operation in his draft of the Massachusetts constitution.†   (source)
  • But the peak of Con-gressional power passed as Presidents Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and Cleveland successfully resisted Senatorial attempts to dictate Presidential appointments, and the government returned to the more traditional American system of the Constitution's checks and balances.†   (source)
  • …office, nor whether it is fit that he should remain in it…… Once set, the example of impeaching a President for what, when the excitement of the House shall have subsided, will be regarded as insufficient cause, no future President will be safe who happens to differ with a majority of the House and two-thirds of the Senate on any measure deemed by them important…… What then becomes of the checks and balances of the Constitution so carefully devised and so vital to its perpetuity?†   (source)
  • FEDERALIST No. 51 -- The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments.†   (source)
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