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centrifugal force
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  • When most people think of centrifugal force, physicists think of centripetal force.
  • Centrifugal force sent the shields flying off the railings like metal Frisbees.†   (source)
  • Those 10 Gs create enough centrifugal force on the body so that the blood rushes down instead of up to the brain, which results in something called cerebral hypoxia, and this is what kills you.†   (source)
  • In his dream, however, he flew over Venice in a wide circle, and was pressed down by the centrifugal force of the turn.†   (source)
  • At that distance they accordingly stood, fixed there by the centrifugal force of the repugnance which the mystic symbol inspired.†   (source)
  • § 2 /Points of Difference/—These exchanges and coalescences, however, though they invigorate each language with the blood of the other and are often very striking in detail, are neither numerous enough nor general enough to counteract the centrifugal force which pulls them apart.†   (source)
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