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  • Holy Eucharist is better when you don't have to shuffle up the aisle in a herd and stand in line at the communion railing, like an animal awaiting space at the feeding-trough—just like another consumer at a fast-food service.†   (source)
  • And when Canon Mackie proceeded with the Holy Eucharist, to the Thanksgiving and Consecration, which he sang, I even judged him unfairly for his singing voice, which is not and never will be the equal of Canon Campbell's—God Rest His Soul.†   (source)
  • "—because they all had a narrative of Christ's Passion in them… which the Church needed, in order for the Eucharist to mean something."†   (source)
  • But I looked forward to even the humblest act—sweeping the vestibule, or rinsing the vessels from the Eucharist in the sacrarium so that no drop of Precious Blood wound up in the Concord sewers.†   (source)
  • But that was before I learned that the requirements of a true believer included Mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation, receiving the Eucharist, reconciliation once a year, giving money to the poor, observing Lent.†   (source)
  • The duties of the priest towards the Eucharist and towards the secrecy of the confessional seemed so grave to me that I wondered how anybody had ever found in himself the courage to undertake them; and I was not surprised when he told me that the fathers of the Church had written books as thick as the Post Office Directory and as closely printed as the law notices in the newspaper, elucidating all these intricate questions.†   (source)
  • Why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if Jesus Christ be present body and blood, soul and divinity, in the bread alone and in the wine alone?†   (source)
  • —Do you believe in the eucharist?†   (source)
  • The radiant image of the eucharist united again in an instant his bitter and despairing thoughts, their cries arising unbroken in a hymn of thanksgiving.†   (source)
  • His actual reception of the eucharist did not bring him the same dissolving moments of virginal self-surrender as did those spiritual communions made by him sometimes at the close of some visit to the Blessed Sacrament.†   (source)
  • …sad, Hete, command, Hide, skin, Hied, hurried, High (on), aloud, Higher hand, the uppermost, Hight, called, Hilled, covered, concealed, Holden, held, Holp, helped, Holts, woods, Hough-bone, back part of kneejoint, Houselled, to be given the Eucharist, Hoved, hovered, waited about, Hurled, dashed, staggered,; hurling, Hurtle, dash, Incontinent, forthwith, Ind, dark blue, Infellowship, join in fellowship, In like, alike, Intermit, interpose, Japer, jester, Japes, jests, Jesseraunt, a…†   (source)
  • For they confesse it is no more, but a Constitution of the Church, that requireth in those holy Orders that continually attend the Altar, and administration of the Eucharist, a continuall Abstinence from women, under the name of continuall Chastity, Continence, and Purity.†   (source)
  • And for the adoration of the Eucharist, if the words of Christ, "This is my Body," signifie, "that he himselfe, and the seeming bread in his hand; and not onely so, but that all the seeming morsells of bread that have ever since been, and any time hereafter shall bee consecrated by Priests, bee so many Christs bodies, and yet all of them but one body," then is that no Idolatry, because it is authorized by our Saviour: but if that text doe not signifie that, (for there is no other that…†   (source)
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