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  • I assumed Baeh was honoring the traditional Confucian structure of community, where in each village a prominent elder man heard the townspeople's grievances and arbitrated and ruled.†   (source)
  • But I can imagine my father saying his no, no, it was clearly Kwang's Confucian training at work, his secular religion of pure hierarchy, his belief that everyone is at once a noble and a servant and then just a man.†   (source)
  • In the old narratives that Dennis practices, he might well involve a wife or lover to use against a troublesome operative; but with me he understands that he can forever count on my Confucian upbringing, press it to my brow like a tribal lodestone, a signet of the culture, which he knows can burn deeper than even love or fear.†   (source)
  • There were also, it appeared, a Taoist and a Confucian temple further along the valley.†   (source)
  • The Confucian replied, "That is my trouble, I cannot find it."†   (source)
  • The Confucian understood and departed in peace.†   (source)
  • Then the old man, sitting erect, said, "Take me to the Confucian temple," and there he sat, erect and calm, and there was that in his calmness which allowed no question, so that Wang started forward as he saw others do, although he had no faintest knowledge of where the Confucian temple stood.†   (source)
  • But then the little village of sheds clinging to the wall never became a part of the city or of the countryside which stretched beyond, and once when Wang Lung heard a young man haranguing a crowd at the corner of the Confucian temple, where any man may stand, if he has the courage to speak out, and the young man said that China must have a revolution and must rise against the hated foreigners, Wang Lung was alarmed and slunk away, feeling that he was the foreigner against whom the…†   (source)
  • In China, comparably, where the humanistic, moralizing force of Confucianism has fairly emptied the old myth forms of their primal grandeur, the official mythology is today a clutter of anecdotes about the sons and daughters of provincial officials, who, for serving their community one way or another, were elevated by their grateful beneficiaries to the dignity of local gods.†   (source)
  • "128 The story is told of a Confucian scholar who besought the twenty-eighth Buddhist patriarch, Bodhidharma, "to pacify his soul."†   (source)
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